Chapter 2: On the way

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Chapter 2:

Again, I got up at 1. I didn't understand how I could get up so late everyday. I rolled out of bed and shuffled into the kitchen. My headache had completly disappeared, but i was starving. I remebered that Niall asked me to text him when I was feeling better. "Hey Niall, it's Abby. I feel a lot better! So pumped for tonight:)" I texted. Honestly, I kinda sucked at flirting.

I made myself some toast with nutella and ate it up hungrily. By the time I finished breakfeast it was 1:30. Niall wouldn't be here for 5 and a half hours. I decided to take a shower.

When I finished my shower it was 2, so I had 4 hours. I just watched t.v, went on twitter and instagram and basically just hung around. And, eventually 5:00 came by. I shut off the tv and walked into my room.

I got out a turquoise tank top that had ruffles down the front. I grabbed some black denim shorts and tan wedges. I grabbed my curling iron and sat it front of my mirror. I gave my dark blonde hair some light curls. I gave my brown eyes a smokey and and applied some pink lipstick to my lips. An hour had passed and it was 6. I put my shoes on and examined my look in my mirror. Hair, nice, makeup, great, outfit, good. The doorbell rang, and my stomach tightened. I grabbed a silver clutch and stuck my phone and makeup in it, and headed to the door.

I opened the door and a pair of familiar blue eyes stared back at me. "Hey Niall!" I said. "H-Hey Abby. You look a-amazing." he said. "Psh" I said brushing aside his compliment. I grabbed my keys and we headed out. That's when I saw te limo. Niall opened the door for me. When I stepped in the limo I saw 7 other people.

"Boys this is Abby" Niall intoduced me. I gave a small wave but the 4 other boys practically screamed their hellos.

"I'm Liam an this is Danielle" a boy with a brown buzz cut type thing introduced himself and his girlfriend with black curly hair. They both waved at me.

"My name is Louis and this is my girlfriend Eleanor!" the boy with floppy brown hair seemed a little too peppy and his girlfriend with long brown hair seemed a lot shyer. She giggled at her crazy boyfriend and waved at me.

"And I'm Harry" said a boy with brown curly hair. His smirk made me a little uncomfortable, but I waved to him anyway, trying to be polite.

"My name is Zayn" said a boy with black hair that had a quiff "And I'm Perrie!" said a girl with short blonde hair.

"Nice to meet you all!" I said.

Out of no where, Live While Were Young started up. We all sang song after song until we pulled up to the arena. Thousands of screaming girls we pressed up against each other, waiting for a glimpse of the boys, but once they saw the limo, they bolted for us. A bunch of girls pressed their faces up to the windows and screamed. We laughed at them and their craziness.

"We go in a secret entrance Niall explained. I nodded. The driver of the limo pulled up to an entrance in the back of the enormous building. All of the girls gave up on chasing the boys, but we still bolted in. The boys went a separate way so they could get ready, and the girls and I headed for our front row seats.

I gave Niall a hug and wished him luck, just like Perrie, Danielle, and Eleanor. I wished the other boys luck to, and headed to our seats.

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