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"I, Derek Christopher Shepherd, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the constitution of the United States. So help me God."

The cheers begin in the distant crowd. A low-pitch sound, like a plane taking off ten miles away, moves through the National Mall. The camera stays tight on the newly inaugurated President. He's young, which is all anyone can talk about, but it's the truth. He wears a small, gratifying smile. He has no wife or children at his side—a first in many, many decades.

The Chief Justice of the United States holds out his hand and President Shepherd shakes it. The roar of the crowd is now deafening, but it sounds like the Chief Justus says congratulations and the President thanks him.

I extended my shift just long enough to see the new President sworn in, but now I'm exhausted and ready to be home in my own bed. I've been in the hospital for almost three days straight trying to make sure my residents don't kill their new interns or allow their new interns to kill my patients. I hate this time of year because as an attending, I should just work my shift and go home, but with so many infant doctors running around, a mistake is bound to happen.

As I turn down the hallway towards the attending lounge, I run into Cristina. "I'm going to shock you, but I like these interns."

I glare at her. "Are you mental?"

"Look, they're idiots and fetuses, but none of them back down. They're aggressive like little terrifying land sharks. My stupid resident, Clove—"

"Glover. Not Clove," I remind her for the hundredth time.

Cristina waves her hand in the air. "Whatever. She's an idiot. But she has these feral dog interns who will not take shit from her and it's amazing to watch. I feel a real kinship there. She assigned one to scut and the intern seriously fought her on it."

"That sounds far from amazing. Give me that intern for two seconds and she won't be questioning anything except which way to the nearest bed pan."

"Oh, badass Doctor Grey," Cristina teases.

"You should remember that my interns used to call me medusa."

"Of course. How could I forget? Anyway, I like them. They have spunk and I love watching my residents sweating themselves again. They've gotten too comfortable and complacent. They should be remembering that lives are on the line here."

We round the corner and I can see the attending lounge. I have visions of my own bed. I have visions of a bath and then my bed. Maybe something to eat, a bath, and then my bed. I have nearly twenty-four hours until I have to be back at work.

"I won't disagree with you there." I pause outside the door. "I'm going home because I'm exhausted from my residents trying to handle their idiot interns. Unless the world blows up, don't let anyone bother me. Bailey is here and I know she hasn't operated in a long time, but she'll be fine. Oh and—"

The elevator door opens opposite us with a rush of noise. A uniformed officer runs down the hallway with a walkie-talkie pressed to his mouth. His eyes are wild. He nearly knocks over a nurse, but she ducks out of his way before he accidently slams her down a flight of stairs. "Maniac!" she yells after him.

"Wonder what that's about," Cristina says, clearly interested and looking to follow the police officer.

"I don't know and don't care. I'll see you tomorrow."

Cristina heads after the officer. "See you."

The lounge is empty for three blissful seconds before Alex walks out of the bathroom. "I'd wait a minute before heading in there," he says crassly.

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