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It's the next morning and Derek's alarm is ringing to wake us both up. We decided to wake up a half hour early just so we can have some time together—just a moment that doesn't include outsider questions, theories, or panic.

Derek turns off his alarm and we both meet in the middle of the bed like magnets. I have to admit, I've been spoiled the last two nights sleeping beside him. Going to my own bed, a new bed, is going to be harder than I can imagine. Derek's arm wraps around my waist. He stretches out his other arm and I rest my head on his bicep. "Good morning," he says and despite his awful breath (and probably mine), I kiss him. "How'd you sleep?"

"Like the dead." I rest both my palms flat on his chest. We're both still full clothed, having been too tired to do anything last night. I like that we didn't have sex because it assures me that all of this is more than just that.

His fingers run up and down my spine. "You're so beautiful," he says and then kisses both my cheeks.

I smile.

"Are you ready for today?"

I toy with his shirt, worrying the fabric in my fingers. "I'm just ready for today to be over."

"You're right about that. I'd give anything to just be dealing with terrorists right now."

I laugh. "I'd rather be in a fifteen hour surgery."

"No, that's not how the game works. You have to say something you actually don't want and if I know you at all, you'd stab me so you could stand for a surgery that long."

He's right, of course. "I'd make sure to save you if it's any consolation prize."

"Why are you the one always saving me?"

"Because I don't need no man to save me."

He bursts out laughing.

I run my fingers along his laughing cheeks.

Derek leans in to kiss me again. I can tell he's smiling against my mouth. I deepen the kiss and nudge him back against the mattress. He goes willingly, threading his hands through my hair to keep it from my face. I slide my palms down his chest and up and under his t-shirt. We're kissing again, deeply, but lazily, still foggy from a night of sleep. Derek's hands slide beneath my shirt and up to my breasts, cupping me in his hands. It's my turn to smile against his mouth.

We use most of our free half hour having incredible sex, not that I'm complaining. As we both finish, Derek lies back against the mattress and his second alarm goes off. He shows it to me. "Perfect timing," he says before kissing me once more.

We both get ready for work, chatting about how the schedule will work for today. Derek spits after brushing his teeth and says, "So you'll be done with work by four and then Lily will be on CNN at five. One of my guys will drive you back here, we'll watch, have a quick meeting to discuss it, and then dinner with your parents. After all that, I'll show you your new place."

He's busy fussing with his hair in the mirror when I walk up behind him and wrap my arms around his stomach. I press my cheek to his back. "You know, you can keep having that excited tone when you talk about me moving, but it doesn't change the fact that I'm giving up my house."

He rests his hand atop mine. "You don't have to move."

I pull back and meet his eyes in the mirror. "I don't think your security team would agree."

Derek looks down into the sink. "You're right."

I grin. "I love hearing that." I pull apart from him and walk back into the bedroom, sitting down to pull on my shoes.

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