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"The President is expected to arrive today at Camp David for his first stay. Many pundits are questioning why the President needs a trip to Camp David so soon after returning from his first trip abroad—which included three days in India after the devastating 8.4 earthquake which hit just one week ago today and a trip to sure up support in the Philippines—but the President's advisors assure us that the focus of this trip is to consider what his next steps are towards combating ISIS and the growing concern over the previous administration's tax bill. The President will be joined on Friday by the Vice President and his family. The President's Cabinet will meet on Monday to put a plan in place."

The press staff take notes on the report. At any given moment, the press room is full with at least a dozen employees and nearly double the televisions blasting information. I don't often find myself visiting the press staff, but I'm waiting for 6pm to arrive and I don't want to be breathing down the President's neck.

I remember when the President first asked me to be part of his staff, especially as the one to keep him safe, and how honored I was. That day he went from Derek to Mr. President. My mom had concerns. She'd seen Derek and I become friends through college and best friends through our careers right after. Derek was the guy I grabbed a beer and scotch with at the end of a hard week. He was the guy I'd complain to about my busy, vapid, thankless job as a lawyer. My mom knew everything would change. Derek would no longer be Derek.

And yes, as much as it pains me to admit, my mom was right. Derek isn't just Derek. He's more now and he's working to change the world. I might not be able to shoot the shit on the regular with my best friend, but I'm still an important part of his life.

My watch beeps at 6pm and I leave the press room. I walk down the hall toward the Oval. I'm not one to parade my accomplishments around, but walking through the halls of the White House feels pretty impressive.

I greet the secretary and motion toward the door. She gives me a smile. I knock once.

"Come in," he says.

"Mr. President," I say and shut the door behind me. "You wanted me to interrupt you when 6pm arrived. It's," I check my watch, "just nearly 6:02."

The President looks up from his papers. "Right. Okay."

"If you're busy I can—"

"No." He puts his pen down. "I'm ready."

The President stands and pulls on his suit jacket. "Is the car ready?"

"Yes sir."


We walk from the Oval Office. The secretary stands. "Mr. President," she says.

He smiles. "Relax Sophie." She seems to. "I'll be gone until Monday morning, so have any urgent calls forwarded to Camp David. Anything personal, like my family, can come through my cell phone, but let them know I won't be checking often and not to panic."

Sophie smiles. "Yes sir. Have a good time."

The President grins. "I will."


I'm a liar. I'm Nixon level lying.

Okay, so maybe this isn't a Watergate situation, but it's still pretty shitty.

First, I'm in another unmarked car. No Presidential flags waving in the wind or police officers following close to leap in front of a(nother) bullet. This is against every protocol. If anyone calls me out on it, I'll claim ignorance.

Second, I'm not going to Camp David to figure out my next move. Well, I am, but not until Thursday night through the weekend. The Vice President and I have a lot of conversations that need to be had, but not tonight.

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