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"Good morning D.C. and thank you for tuning into Right Now with Denise Williams."

"And Matt Easton. Today's headline follows the President and his future wife."

"That's right, Matt. News broke last night that the soon-to-be-missus of the 45th President will have a wedding planner on staff to plan her eventual nuptials, although we still haven't received our save the dates."

"No we haven't. A source inside the White House claims Doctor Grey has been practically living with the President since their engagement announcement nearly three weeks ago and she refuses to do her own planning."

"We've also learned that the good doctor has no interest in becoming the First Lady and we learned from a reliable source, Doctor Grey has said, quote, 'The position of the First Lady is archaic and demeaning. I'm a doctor, not a party planner.' I'm not sure what former FLOTUSs have to say about that, but I'm guessing Michelle Obama wouldn't see her eight years in the White House as demeaning."

"Certainly not. I have no problem with the President getting married and I actually think after how his year started, it's a romantic story for him to marry the doctor who saved his life."


"But I do take issue with how Doctor Grey has been portraying herself. For one, we've been told to address her as Doctor Grey, not Miss Grey or Meredith Grey."

"Agreed, Matt. Miss Grey has been a thorn in the White House's side since day one and I don't think I'm the only person who looks at all she's been granted and wonders: why?"

"You're not the only one. I, personally, am tired of hearing about her. I think we should focus on the President's policy and what he's going to do with terror groups in the Middle East. Instead, the news we're given from the White House is all about some fairy tale, which, let's be honest, is a bit rushed."

"A bit? I'm with everyone else on this one. I think the White House is keeping something from us. I wouldn't be surprised if she were pregnant. And you know that wouldn't play well with the religious folks."

"Definitely not. In other news..."


The door to the lab opens and Cristina walks right in. "The news was interesting this morning," she tells me.

I lean back from the slide I was studying and watch as Cristina takes a seat across from me. She's wearing a scrub cab; she's just come from surgery.

I could pretend I didn't watch the news, but I did. "Derek tells me to stop watching it. He says it's all toxic."

"It is," Cristina agrees.

"I know, but I'd rather know what people are saying than be in the dark."

"Well, it's not like they haven't been talking about you the whole time."

I nod. "I agree, but that doesn't mean I'm used to people commentating on my relationship. It's one thing if you and Alex think we're rushing into it, but it's a whole different thing when people are gossiping about it in the morning news."

"You know I support your decision, right? Who knows about Alex, but I do."

"I know. And I know Alex does, too. It's just been a lot lately."

Cristina picks up an empty slide and runs her finger along the edge. "How's your mom?" she asks.

Ever since New Year's, I haven't been talking about my mom much. I still feel badly about how I acted, especially towards Grant and Richard—who have both forgiven me—but I'm also mad about how Derek reacted. Everything I do is put under a microscope and my mom's condition is hard to deal with, especially now that she's sun downing almost every night. She'll be here and then gone for thirty minutes, an hour, maybe two. She eventually comes back, but each time the toll it takes on Richard and me is debilitating. Not to mention the toll it takes on my mom.

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