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I spend the morning in meetings before everyone breaks at 2pm for the Correspondent's Dinner. I chose an earlier time than usual, or so I've been told, because my mom and sisters are due to arrive right after two and I want to spend as much time with them as just Derek before I have to become the President again.

My family is in town only two days, flying back on Monday. My mom and two older sisters, Kate and Nancy, have flown in from Maine while Liz has come from Boston and Amelia from New York. I wanted to pick them all up at the airport, but that idea was nixed almost immediately. I sent Grant to pick them up because they all seem to like him. Plus I have noticed Lizzie looking his way and after her divorce last year, it might be time for her to start looking again.

I wanted to invite all my nieces and nephews and my brothers-in-law; I haven't seen them in months. But once again I was told, "It's not a good idea." For being the leader of the free world, it seems interesting that I can't even make my own decisions.

My phone rings and my receptionist, Sophie, says, "Mr. President, your family is here."


I walk over to the door and practically throw it open. My mom is in my arms first, hugging me tightly. I haven't seen her in almost two months, since the State Dinner. "You look tired," she says almost immediately.

"Thanks Mom," I respond sarcastically and pull back just enough to look at her. "Are you doing okay?"

She pats my cheek. "Yes. Stop worrying about me."

"He's been worrying about you since he was fifteen," Kate says before hugging me. "I saw your speech last night. Very good. Have you finally allowed that speech writer to earn his salary?"

"Her salary," I correct. "How's Joe and the kids?"

Kate smiles. "Good. They wish they were here."

I feel badly, but they all know the situation. "Me, too."

I hug Nancy next, then Liz and finally Amelia. Amelia holds onto me for a long time before letting go. "So are we really staying here?" she asks.

When they came for the State Dinner, with the Prime Minister, his family, and his people, we didn't have room in the White House for my family, so they stayed in one of the off-site houses. The place is across the street and really beautiful, but it did feel like they were miles away. The one place I put my foot down was where my family would be staying. "Yes. I already have the rooms squared away. You'll all be sharing except Mom." I smile at my mom. "You're in the Lincoln bedroom since he's your favorite."

The next hour, I spend my time giving my family a tour. They've been here before, but everything was so rushed last time and I barely knew the place. I lead them into the Oval Office and then through the various studies and meeting rooms. We stay clear of the main entertaining space since there are people everywhere, but I do take them to my private residence and the many guest bedrooms.

By the end of the tour, the hair and makeup people have arrived to treat my mom and sisters to a bit of pampering and I, too, have to get ready. I give them all a quick goodbye, but they're all too excited and busy looking at the dresses I gladly bought for them. None of my sisters are struggling and neither is my mom, but I like being able to do something for them once and a while.

I head into my residence and take a long shower. When I step out, I notice my tux has been laid across the bed. Long ago I stopped being uncomfortable with the fact that people just walk into my room when they please, especially when I'm in the shower.

By 5:30pm, I'm ready to go. I adjust my black bow tie once more and make sure I don't have lint on me or scuffs on my shoes. I leave the residence and walk down the hallway. The voices from the room my family is getting ready in carries into the hallway. I give the door a quick three knocks. My mom opens the door is a beautiful black gown. "Derek, you look so handsome."

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