Part 31

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"🅵🆄🅲🅺!" Aries somehow lost Clover and Cato that night, principally with a clear deficiency in his eyesight. District 2 took it as a chance to flee. You can just imagine how annoyed that made Aries. Clover not only got a cut on his eye, but it also left a diagonal cut that's adjusting to becoming a hideous scar from the eyebrow to his upper bone cheek on his right eye.

Moderately, Aries is settling his head on tree bark, frequently banging his head, attempting to get his sight right as he blinks every second. Every time he would clean the wound and wipe the blood away it seemed to be getting worse. He didn't have the right medical treatment right now.

"Shit," Aries mumbles as more blood drips onto his palm. It didn't upset him if he lost an eye in this damn arena, but it was provoking a setback for him to search after Estella.

The sound of an electronic chime caught his ears. Smirking knowing that must be Dennis and his sponsors once more. With the damaged eye closed, the opposite scans his surroundings for a similar case to last time. Fortunately, he doesn't have to climb a tree or anything as it docks faultlessly in front of him. Picking it up and of course, there's a note in it.

'Look at the bright side, Estella loves scars. - Dennis'

"Shut up." Aries snickers. It's true though. Taking the item and what seems to be similar to an eye drop. Sighing as he can feel the pain from this medicine. He ripped a strip at the bottom of his shirt, earning it to look almost like a crop top as his lower stomach abs are exposed now.

He bites down on the strip fabric, taking a deep breath as he drips two droplets into his wounded eyes. Instantly it stung, if possible, a puff of smoke seems to be forming around the eye as Aries pounds his fist brutally from the agony at the innocent tree.

"FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" Letting the sensation cool slowly down before wrapping his eye with the ripped fabric. The pain was still lingering but it was endurable for him to commence seeking Estella.

Suddenly a huge projection of voice boomed through the forest, gaining Aries's attention. "Attention all Tributes!" Templesmith's. His voice boomed out of thin air. Aries goes still, grimacing at what could be occurring now.

"The Gamemakers have instituted a rule change. From this point forward, if two Tributes from the same District are the last to survive, both will be declared victors of-" Aries groans, screaming out loud to the game makers out there watching him. "You could have applied that stupid rule when Stellie was around! Couldn't you!" And just like that, the voice is gone along with Aries.

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"The Games makers have instituted a rule change. From this point forward, if two Tributes from the same District are the last to survive, both will be declared victors of The Hunger Games! Good Luck! May the odds forever be in your favor!"

Estella is currently pursuing down after Rue's partner, Thresh. Templesmith's voice lingers barely in her ears as if she lost interest in winning the game. She knew she should attain Aries but wasn't much troubled to comprehend that the male would keep his word and locate her one of these days.

For now, her attentiveness to the past down this Mockingjay to Tresh and making he is fine at the loss. Estella continues calculating the number of times to keep records of the day, considering a place with water as that would be any tribute first place to camp, pursuing down any blood path or anything out of the ordinary.

She suddenly withdrew her every inclination when a visible footprint in the mud caught her attention. Comparing hers with it, it was larger and broader. Estella developed a triumphant grin; the size unquestionably furnishes off who the owner is. Thresh.

She snapped her head around, locating the clue of the male's whereabouts until the rackets of Clover and Cato hit her ears, they weren't that remote. "Oh fuck." Fast, Estella originated climbing the most bordering tree. Kept a good measure of height from being caught but easier for her to venture underneath her. She never left her eyes on the pair, enduring in her breath when they shuffled closer to her.

Her heart panicking for her safety, investigating the pair unharmed makes her query about Aries's doing now.


Snap her head to the side, someone was requesting her. Unmistakably not for Cato and Clover since they had been clueless about that narrow call. She propels her head around until it berths on Thresh. The huge male lurks in between some bushes, seemingly injured based on how his face scrunches up. He calls for Estella once more, afraid the beginning wasn't heard with how secretive he was occurring.

Estella couldn't help but perceive the familiarity between Thresh and Rue, both possessing the need to call someone with the same noise and hiding someplace concealed.

Her heart aches for stimulating the pain. Catching a deep breath, she swiftly dangles herself upside down on the branch. Her eyes peek at a more profound and secure branch. She brings out her whip as it wraps around the branch before leasing her body, to go on the swing over.

She took a slight gasp when she descended off her feet scraped bark from the branch off and grounded right behind Clover and Cato. Not budging, sojourning still, she watches as Clover investigates around her as Cato continues his rambling. "Those stupid Districts 5! Thinking they are all high and mighty!! When I get my hands on Aries, he would be as good as a lump of dead meat!"

Estella rolls her eyes, and she starts to see how the Careers are all bark and no bite. Just because getting more sponsors and being trained young. "Pathetic." She murmurs to herself. Estella's plan doesn't appear to be established in place when Cato and Clover unexpectedly halt their track.

Scowling at them as this is going to be more troublesome to get to Thresh. There's no way she's balancing herself on a single branch until they disappear, it's not as easy as it seems.

 There's no way she's balancing herself on a single branch until they disappear, it's not as easy as it seems

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