Chapter 1:An Unexpected Party

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*60 years earlier*

I sat on my bench smoking, would my mother approve of my smoking? No but even though I was a respectable lady of the shire I enjoyed the small rebellion. I blew a ring and the smoke bounced back at me. I opened my eyes to see an older man in a hat. 

“Good morning.”

“What do you mean? Do you mean to wish me a good morning, or do you mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not? Or, perhaps you mean to say that you feel good on this particular morning. Or are you simply stating that this is a morning to be good on?” He asked.

“All of them at once, I suppose. Can I help you?”

“That remains to be seen. I’m looking for someone to share in an adventure.”

“An adventure? Now, I don’t imagine anyone west of Bree would have much interest in adventures. Nasty, disturbing, uncomfortable things. Make you late for dinner, hm, mm. Good morning.”

“To think that I should have lived to be good-morninged by Belladonna Took’s daughter, as if I were selling buttons at the door.”

“Beg your pardon?”

“You’ve changed, and not entirely for the better, Bella Baggins.”

“I’m sorry, do I know you?”

“Well, you know my name, although you don’t remember I belong to it. I’m Gandalf! And Gandalf means … me.”

“Gandalf...not Gandalf, the wandering Wizard, who made such excellent fireworks! Old Took used to have them on Midsummer’s Eve. Ha, ha! Well. Hmm, I had no idea you were still in business.”

“And where else should I be?”

“Ha, ha! Hm, hmm...”

"Well, I’m pleased to find you remember something about me, even if it’s only my fireworks. Well that’s decided. It will be very good for you, and most amusing for me. I shall inform the others.”

“Inform who? What? No. No. No! Wait. We do not want any adventures here, thank you. Not today, not-mm. I suggest you try over the Hill or across the Water. Good morning!" I said and slammed the door I was through being polite and I did not need any sort of visitors.  I made a cup of tea and the whole incident was forgotten. I went into the market and bought a fish for my dinner, tended to my garden and settled in for the night. I was wearing a nightgown and after a nice meal I would settle in with a book and fall asleep. Then as I was eating my fish I heard my doorbell ring. Who could possibly be calling at this hour? Not anyone reasonable or polite for that matter. I opened the door to see a dwarf of all things.
“Ah.”I exclaimed

“Dwalin, at your service.”  The dwarf bowed.

“Bella Baggins, at yours. D-do we know each other?”

“No. Which way, lassie? Is it down here?”

“I-is what down where?” I was very confused.  A dwarf was in my house.

“Supper. He said there’d be food, and lots of it.” Dwalin said.

“H-He said? Who said?”

“Mmmm. … Very good, this. Any more?”

“What? Uh, oh, yes, yes." I was a lady, I had to be polite so I showed him to my pantry.

“Ah.”Dwalin said.

“Help yourself,”I replied. “Mmmm. It’s just that, um, I wasn’t expecting company.” I heard the doorbell ring again.

“That’ll be the door.” I went to the door to see who it was. No surprise it was another Dwarf. This one had a long white beard.

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