Chapter 9: Courtesy

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The night after the attack we climbed down from the carrock and made our way towards a little village near the edge of the forest. The innkeeper was a dwarf and instantly knew who we were and offered rooms for us. 

"Only problem is I don't have a room for the hobbit lass you've got with you my lord." The Innkeep said. 

"That's not a problem at all Garin, mistress Baggins can share with me." Thorin said and at this statement my eyes widened. That was hardly proper for a man and a woman to share a room especially in an inn like this but it didn't really seem as though I had a choice. "Come Bella, it's been a long day for all of us." He said bringing me out of my thoughts. 

"Of course Thorin I'll be up in a moment." I replied and headed up the stairs with everyone else. The room was nice enough but there was only one bed. "Thorin I don't know if I..."

"Feel comfortable with this Mistress Baggins? I would hope so, I know my courtesies I'll sleep on the floor Bella. I would never want to make you feel uncomfortable."He replied.

"Oh well, you don't have to sleep on the floor." What was I saying? I was practically inviting him to my bed. But he was kind and he wouldn't dare think of hurting me. What's a girl to do? "I don't mind sharing as I'm quite small, you wouldn't hurt me and we might as well.

"What are you saying dear Bella?" 

"You said you intended to make me your queen. Does that mean you intend to...intend to..."

"Marry you? Of course Bella, I meant what I said on that carrock. I had denied it before but no longer. I love you." He said and kissed me gently. I climbed into the bed and quickly wanted to fall asleep. "Goodnight Belladonna." He whispered softly into my ear. He smelt of ash and pine but it was comforting to me. 

"Goodnight Thorin." I said and drifted off into my dream world. When we woke up again I found that I was closer to him and the warmth we gave off was comforting. I gently slid out of Thorin's arms and got ready for the day for us to continue on our journey. I was immediately surprised when I looked into my looking glass and saw Thorin waking up. I quickly finished buttoning my blouse and headed towards the door. 

"And where do you think you're going?" He asked and I froze. 

"I'm going down to join the others for breakfast, we have to move fast don't we? Durin's day will soon be upon us. Also I want someof the good food before the others take it all." I replied and he laughed.

"Do all hobbits think this much about food as you do?" 

"Yes in fact we do, now if you don't mind I'll be going down to breakfast." I said and began to turn around before Thorin grabbed me and placed a passionate kiss on my small lips. "Could you do that again?"I asked sheepishly.

"Do what?"

"Kiss me?"

"I'd be honored my queen."He said and kissed me once more.

"I can't wait to get used to that. But we must hurry  we wouldn't want to leave later than we have to." He smirked and I blushed as I walked downstairs. What was he doing to me? As we came downstairs everyone cheered. 

"There's the lovebirds!" Dwalin shouted and I blushed even deeper shade of red. 

"To the lovebirds!" The other dwarves cheered. 

"Enough you're embarrassing the poor lass!" Balin said and I mouthed a small thank you to the young dwarf as we sat down. Breakfast was good enough but now the real work was about to begin. 

Differently *Fem!Bilbo/Thorin Oakenshield*Where stories live. Discover now