You met Jonghyun after you went to your first kpop concert when you went to study to Korea
Thanks for all the great memories you brought into my life, thanks for teaching me to embrace an illness instead of hiding it, and thanks for teachi...
"We were arriving to the studio, I was kinda nervous, jonghyun opens my door, we walked towards the building"
Jonghyun: can you excuse me for a moment? I have to make a call Me: yeah sure (he calls someone and starts to speaking korea) Jonghyun: okay all done!, let's go in 😊 Me: let's go "We took the elevator"
Me: is there someone else here? Jonghyun: no, only us Me: how about your composition group? Jonghyun: they left after we finish recording and reviewing this morning
"Jonghyun opens the door and grabs me a chair"
Jonghyun: come, sit here
"He goes inside the booth, and starts singing , gosh his voice is super soothing, I can tell he puts his soul into his music, I feel like I'm in a private concert hehe 🙃, I heard my phone ringing, it was Kai!! Finally I was so worried, I make some signs for jonghyun to notice me and tell him I'm gonna take a call, he stopped and came out of the booth"
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Me: hello? Kai: hey , I have some news, come meet me at your hotel ( she sounded serious) Me: why, what happened, are you okay!? I was trying to call you all morning, you had your phone off. Kai: I have to tell you in person, by the way, where are you?? Me: I'm running some errands ~ Kai:would you take long? Me: no, I'm on my way, see you soon Kai:okay thanks Me: wait!, do you still have the extra key for my room? Kai: yes why? Me: just go inside my room, wait there Kai: okay
"Jonghyun came towards me and started asking questions "
Jonghyun: is everything okay? Me: no, my friend called me and sounded so weird , I gotta go to my hotel, I'm sorry 😞 Jonghyun: it's okay, it must be important Me: I guess~ (I was getting an Uber when Jonghyun saw) Jonghyun: what are you doing ?? Me: getting an Uber to go to my hotel Jonghyun: no need, I'll take you back, we came together, we go together Me: it's okay, I don't wanna cause more trouble Jonghyun: you're not causing none 😇 Me: thank you so much 😊
"He was driving to the hotel when suddenly we saw a van following us again "
Jonghyun: must be the paparazzi again 🙄 Me: see, more problems for you, what are they gonna think when you drop me off 🤦🏻♀️ Jonghyun: I'm gonna drop you off at the entrance and I'm gonna drive back home Me: thank you so much and sorry for the inconvenience 😓 Jonghyun: it's not, today was a good day, I had a good time Me: same here, thanks for taking me to the studio, I enjoyed every second of it Jonghyun: did you like the songs? Me: i loved them, you have a very soothing voice Jonghyun: you're making me blush 😉 Me : I'm serious, your an amazing singer, you make the high notes sound easy Jonghyun: years of practice 😊,
"We arrived to my hotel and people from the van started to get off ready to to take pictures, I tried to keep my head down when I see Kai at the entrance smoking "
Kai: what is this!? What's happening!? Who is that!? Me: no one let's go inside 😓 Kai: are you serious! Who is that, why there's so much fuss!? Me: you will see it tomorrow in the media, let's go inside Kai: okay, you gotta tell me everything !
" We got inside the room "
Kai: are you gonna tell me who was that!? Me: can you promise to not freak out? Kai: um, okay? Me: that was jonghyun Kai: Jonghyun who? Did you met a guy a the club? Me: No, that was Jonghyun from SHINee, the band we went to see 3 days ago ~ Kai:HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE!!! Me: I had an interview with the guys, Jonghyun gave me a ride home and we decided to be friends ~ Kai: I don't believe you🙄, don't play with my feelings like that 🥺 Me: I'm serious Kai: stop, it's probably a Son of a CEO, I can see he got money~ Me: I'm telling you, it's Jonghyun from SHINee Kai: stop lying, I came here to give you good news Me: tell me!!! Kai: I finally got accepted in the University!!! Me: what!?, how !? I haven't received a call yet 😞 Kai: I went to do the test and after an hour this person came and started to do the interviews Me: congratulations Kai! I'm so happy for you! 😊 Kai: wanna go celebrate!?? Me: yes, let's go!
"Kai and I we're getting ready to leave when I heard my phone"
Jonghyun: I'm home now😇, I hope you enjoyed this day as much as I did (sends pic)
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Me: one of the best days ever😄 Jonghyun: are you ready for tomorrow?? Me: Ughh I don't wanna think about it 😪 Jonghyun: it's okay , just let me know if you have any problem okay? Me: I'm sorry I got you in trouble 😞 Jonghyun: you didn't, I enjoyed your company Me: same here Jonghyun: any plans for later? Me: yes, I'm gonna go to celebrate with my friend kai, she got into the UNI 🥳 Jonghyun: just be careful okay?, if you need something let me know, you know I'm a call away Me: will do ☺️ Jonghyun: have fun 🙂