You met Jonghyun after you went to your first kpop concert when you went to study to Korea
Thanks for all the great memories you brought into my life, thanks for teaching me to embrace an illness instead of hiding it, and thanks for teachi...
"I have to get myself together , I been slacking since I met Jonghyun, I don't feel like myself no more, I feel like I belong here, it's a different type of freedom, I have to study really hard to stay in Korea, I'm tired of being miss perfection but I don't wanna disappoint my parents, what are they gonna say when they notice I'm not gonna study medicine, I wanna follow my dreams no tradition, Ughh I have to study Korean too "
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"I'm 3 hours in, I heard my phone, it was Kai"
Kai: hi girl!!!! Me: hey, how are you Kai: I'm good, I just finished settling in, what are you doing right now? Me: I'm studying Korean I'm 3 hours in so far Kai: Ughh you always want to be ahead of the class, relax, let's have some fun Me: aren't you busy? Kai: I thought I would be but classes haven't started and I don't wanna be in my room the whole day Me: ummm do you have any idea of what you wanna do? Kai: why? Are you with Jonghyun? Me: i just told you I'm studying Kai: yeah studying Korean with a private teacher 😉😉 Me: hahah noooo he has no time, I just took breakfast with him in the morning Kai: are you guys dating? Tell me the truth Me: nooo, he's just a good friend Kai: with benefits???? Me: stoppppp, I don't have time for this Kai: why!???? Are you still virgin?? Me: yes, I wanna wait for the right person to do it Kai: so nerddd you are, come to my dormitory, I wanna show you where you gonna sleep Me: we are not even sure if we are gonna be roommates Kai: we will Me: ummm okay, I trust you, I'm gonna take a shower, see you soon Kai: don't take looong Me: I won't
"I took an aspirin, my head was hurting so bad, I get In the shower, that's all I needed a hot shower, I change into a white shirt, jeans and a messy bun, I'm ready to go, I get an Uber and went down the lobby to wait for it"
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"I get on the Uber and I heard my phone ringing, it was Jonghyun"
Jonghyun: hey how are you Me: I'm good haha, how about you?? Jonghyun: I'm good, I'm calling to see if you wanna go to buy your SIM card later?? Me: oh yeah sure, around what time? Jonghyun: to be honest I'm not sure Me: just txt me when you are free ☺️ Jonghyun: where are you? I hear cars, let me turn my camera on Me: oh hii Jonghyun: (waves) hey 👋🏻, you look good, white suit you Me:haha thanks 😊 you look tired, did you ate already? Jonghyun: im gonna eat soon,I'm almost done with practice, how about you? Where are you going? Me: Kai called me to go see the new place Jonghyun: oh!? There's no classes yet? Me: no that I know Jonghyun: well have fun 😊 Me: you too, talk to you later okay? Jonghyun: why? What's wrong? Me: I heard key calling your name, It must be important Jonghyun: well okay, Call you later ✌🏻 Me: bye ✌🏻
"I arrived at kai's place"
Kai: hey girllll Me: hiii Kai: let's go in Me: its coming together Kai: I haven't decorated yet, I'm waiting for you to do it together Me: you better haha
"Time went by, it was already 6 o'clock, Kai and I were watching a movie and snaking like pigs hahah, we missed each other"
Kai: so tell me, how does it feel going out with Jonghyun? Me: what do you mean ? Kai: yeah like, how does it feel to be going out with someone famous?? Me: to be honest I never thought of that, I see him as a human being, a friend, he's a nice guy a gentleman Kai: do you really? Me: yes only a friend I promise , he is attentive, respectful and I enjoy my time with him, it feels like we knew each other for a long time Kai: so poetic 😂😂 Me: hahah you asked 😉😌
"I heard my phone ringing, it was key"
Key: hey hi Me: hi, what's up? Key: can you come to the hospital? Me: why? What happened!? Key: Jonghyun had an accident, he told me to call you Me: but is he okay!? Key: he's okay, the manager crashed into a guardrail on dongho bridge, he was on the way to drop Jonghyun home Me: in what hospital are you guys? Key: CHA medical center Me: okay I'm on my way Key: alright see you soon
Kai: you want me to go with you!? Me: no it's okay, I don't know how many people is in there already Kai: umm okay, let me get you an Uber Me: thanks