You met Jonghyun after you went to your first kpop concert when you went to study to Korea
Thanks for all the great memories you brought into my life, thanks for teaching me to embrace an illness instead of hiding it, and thanks for teachi...
"We arrived at SM, there was a lot of people outside, jonghyun went to talk to the person in the booth outside the building to call someone to open the door because Jonghyun's card was not working "
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"The security guard opened the door, we got in and took the elevator, I was so nervous, everyone was staring at us and were talking on the low"
Jonghyun: are you uncomfortable? Me: can you tell? Jonghyun: kinda, you look so tense Me: i bet all of these female artists think I'm a slut~ Jonghyun : why are you saying that? Me:because you are out of my league~ Jonghyun: how would you know that? Me: isn't that obvious? I'm not famous, I'm not as tall as them, I don't even know if I can sing Jonghyun: don't be insecure, that the worst thing you can ever do to yourself Me: it's hard not to be~ just look at them Jonghyun: yeah so what? Me: I bet some of them have a crush on you~ Jonghyun: i admire them but as good singers, nothing else~ Me: it's okay, it's none of my business anyway
"We get off the elevator and went to the chairman's office"
Chairman:you are finally here Jonghyun: sorry for the trouble Chairman: I see you brought your friend Jonghyun: yes, she's my assistant Chairman: you can tell me everything, no lies please Jonghyun: I'm not lying Chairman: Jonghyun Jonghyun: okay fine, she's a friend Chairman: nothing else? (staring at me) Me: we are only friends (bows) Chairman: Jonghyun, you can date, I know that brought problems to the group back then but times change, we been reviewing the comments of the netizens and there are more good comments than bad, besides you guys are more well off than back then Jonghyun: I promise we are just friends but I wanna stick to her being my assistant on the statement, I don't want fans to bully her Chairman: okay, just go to management, they will discuss this with you and start working on the statement Jonghyun: yes chairman (bows) Me: (bows) thanks Chairman: how old are you? Me:19 Chairman: umm a little late~ Me: for what? Chairman: do you have any talent? Me: well, I like to dance but that's not a talent haha Jonghyun: she's gonna start the UNI soon Chairman: oh really? Where? Me: korea university Chairman: good school, what are you gonna study? Me: arts Chairman: see, you must have a talent Me: to be honest I'm not sure, I will take a test and depending on that I will know what I'm good at Chairman: I want you to do a dance audition Jonghyun: she's busy Chairman: I asked her, let her decide Me: okay sure Chairman: talk to management
"We got out the chairman's office"
Jonghyun: are you serious? Me: what did I do? Jonghyun: I thought you didn't want this life Me: I'm already in the public eye Jonghyun:(looks at me frustrated) are you really gonna trow your life and UNI cuz of this? Me: I'm not throwing anything away, it's just a dance audition, it will look good on my essay 😊 Jonghyun: for a moment I thought you wanted to become a trainee Me: hahah nooo, didn't you heard the chairman? I'm a little to old for that 😂 Jonghyun: haha true, I started at 15 Me: wow that's young Jonghyun: yeah
"A person from management call us, we follow her"
Management: please start telling us details Jonghyun: she's my assistant and soon to be a Korea university student Management: okay, so are you guys not dating? Jonghyun: no Management: got it, I also got a call from the chairman, your friend has an audition Jonghyun: oh yeah, when is that gonna be? Management: Monday at 9am Me: thanks Jonghyun:are we done? Management: yes, you guys can leave Jonghyun: come with me, I have dance training Me: is that okay? I mean, is the chairman okay with that? Jonghyun: yes, you are my assistant, remember? Me: haha funny Jonghyun: let's go