You met Jonghyun after you went to your first kpop concert when you went to study to Korea
Thanks for all the great memories you brought into my life, thanks for teaching me to embrace an illness instead of hiding it, and thanks for teachi...
"I woke up kinda disoriented, I heard some sound coming from the kitchen, it was Jonghyun making breakfast"
Jonghyun: good morning, I was about to wake you up after I finished cooking Me: good morning, I heard some noise, I thought it was Roo Jonghyun: haha nooo, she always sleeps with me, I hope you're hungry, I made some kimchi rice with eggs and spam and some ramen as well.
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Me: that sounds good, let me help you fix the table Jonghyun: here, take some plates
" he handed me 3 plates "
Me: here ( giving a plate back) we only need 2 Jonghyun: my sister is coming over, I asked her to bring you some clothes, you can't be looking like that when we go out of the building, they will know you slept here Me: oh true, I don't even wanna look at my phone, I bet is a mess right now Jonghyun: mine is, the company is waiting for me to tell them who you are so they can send a public statement about us Me: that sounds scary, are we gonna stick to me being your assistant? Jonghyun: you still want to? Me: yes, if we say we are friends they are gonna think the opposite Jonghyun: you're right
" someone knocked on the door, it was Jonghyun's sister "
Jonghyun: this is sodam my sister Sodam: hi, here ( she handed me a bag with clothes) Jonghyun: we where waiting for you, let's go eat the table is ready
"We ate and sodam started to ask questions"
Sodam: where do you guys know each other from? Me: from a interview I requested from SHINee
"Sodam started to speak in Korean with Jonghyun "
Sodam: jjong why you didn't told me that you were dating!? My mom was worried in the morning when she saw the news, everyone is talking about you guys Jonghyun: we are not dating, we are just friends, I can't have female friends now? Sodam: you can but you can't go out in public like that, you know how's s the media, people are gonna talk, you are bringing so many problems to SHINee and to yourself Jonghyun: I'm tired of people keeping an eye on me and judging me for everything I do Sodam: that's the life you have chosen
"We finished eating, jonghyun went to take a shower while I was getting ready to go outside the building"
Sodam: how old are you? Me: 19, why? Sodam: just making sure you are not underage, they took so many pictures of you at the club with a bunch of guys, is one of those your boyfriend? Jonghyun: let me see (he came out of the shower) Sodam: here Jonghyun: is any of those guys your boyfriend? (He looked upset) Me: no, they just came to our table and we started to drink with them, I think one of the guys was a undercover paparazzi Sodam: if she has a boyfriend or not it doesn't concern you, it's even better so the media will stop portraying you guys as a couple Jonghyun: I'll go change
"We were ready to go outside, there was so many paparazzi taking pictures, we got inside the car and Jonghyun dropped sodam in a caffee near by to meet up with some friends"
Jonghyun: now we are going to SM to talk with the chairman and my manager Me: do I have to go? Jonghyun: yes, we have to tell them you are my assistant so they can release an statement Me: okay