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"Kai and I got ready to go to this night club to celebrate her UNI acceptance, I wore a strapless yellow shirt, some ripped shorts and let my hair straight, I was feeling myself 😉"

"We arrived, got a table and started to to get some drinks, some guys approached and we started to dance and drink with them when suddenly a ton of paparazzi came to the table and started taking pictures and said some pretty nasty stuff towards us...

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"We arrived, got a table and started to to get some drinks, some guys approached and we started to dance and drink with them when suddenly a ton of paparazzi came to the table and started taking pictures and said some pretty nasty stuff towards us, the guys backed off and we were disconcerted, we didn't know what was going on"

Kai: aren't those the paparazzi who were following you and jonghyun outside the hotel?
Me: f*ck, how did they find me?
Kai: maybe one of the guys who were with us called them?
Me: let's go run to the bathroom

"We were covering our faces till we went inside the bathroom and looked the door"

Kai: what are we going to do!?
Me: I'm gonna call jonghyun
Kai: he's probably sleeping, it's already 1am
Me: he told me he always sleep late
Kai: how is he gonna sneak us out? He's gonna make a bigger fuss
Me: lemme just call him
Kai: stop crying!!
Me: I can't, I feel so sad, I wish I never met him, it's all your fault Kai
Kai: why is it my fault? I didn't know you will be hoeing around!
Me: I was not!!, we are just friends!!
Kai: yeah sure

"I called jonghyun and he picked up at the 2nd tone"

Jonghyun: hello?
Me: hi, are you awake?
Jonghyun: yes? Are you crying!? What happened!?
Me: some paparazzi find me at the club and started taking pics and said pretty nasty stuff towards me and my friend!!
Jonghyun: let me pick you up!, where are you?
Me: we are in SOAP club in Seoul
Jonghyun: I'm on my way!
Me: plz no, you gonna make more fuss and gonna be in more trouble
Jonghyun: I'm not, I'm gonna sneak thru the back door, are the paparazzi still harassing you girls?
Me: we are hidden in the women's bathroom with the door locked
Jonghyun: stay right there and don't move okay
Me: okay
Jonghyun: everything is gonna be okay
Me: thank you so much, and sorry for keep getting you in trouble
Jonghyun: don't say that, see you soon.

"We were waiting till my phone rang again, it was a txt from Jonghyun"

Jonghyun: hey I check the map and I'm kinda far, it's like 40 mins away, I called a close friend who's gonna get you girls, I'm gonna Call you when I'm near, I gave your Instagram handle to my friend, he's gonna call you when he's there, hang in there, see you soon."

"Jonghyun's friend called me 15 minutes later, he was outside the door, we opened and he started to cover us with his hoodie, there was so many people outside the bathroom, we got in the car and his friend started to drive up to a dark alley, there is tons of those in Seoul, while we waited for Jonghyun his friend started to ask questions"

Friend: who's dating him!?
Kai: her (pointing at me)
Me: I'm not, we are just friends
Friend: I mean~~ he never has done this for anyone
Me: I'm not famous, I have no bodyguards to protect me!
Friend: you got a point
Kai: now what!
Me: we just gonna wait
Friend: hold on, he is calling
Me: thanks for helping us
Friend: Jonghyun is my close friend, I will always help him with any problem he has

"We waited 30 mins, we see some lights, it was Jonghyun, he got off the car and knocked the window, him and his friend started talking in Korean"

Jonghyun: are you ready to leave?
Me: yes
Jonghyun: is your friend is coming with us?
Kai: of course I'm coming
Jonghyun: where are you staying at?
Kai: here in itaewon
Jonghyun: hey park, can you take her back to her hotel
Park/friend: yeah sure
Kai: why I have to go with him!!
Jonghyun: me and your friend are gonna have a private talk
Me: Kai please understand, we don't want you to be part of the problem and being followed by paparazzi, today was pretty scary
Kai: you're right, they were harassing us, we don't even know why
Park: it's because the clothes you girls are wearing

"Jonghyun glances at us and gives me his hoodie"

Jonghyun: wear this to cover yourself (he looked shy)
Me: thanks
Park: here wear this (gives hoodie to Kai) that was the problem, wearing this type of clothes here in Korea would make you look bad
Me: we didn't know, sorry
Jonghyun: the paparazzi have to understand, you guys are foreigners, there's tons of people dressed like this and more in itaewon that is practically foreign, come here let me take you to the car
Me: thanks
Kai: they are probably gonna f*uck (said in a low tone but still I could hear her)
Me: I heard you!
Park: hahah no, jonghyun is not like that, they just met, relax stop being jealous (looking at Kai)
Kai: I'm not jealous! Just call me when you arrive at your hotel
Me: will do😘

"Jonghyun opened my door, he gets inside the car and started driving"

Jonghyun: I bet that was a traumatic experience~
Me: it was, I'm not used to this kinda stuff, it was so scary, and more when those people started to call us names
Jonghyun: I'm sorry I put you in this position 😞
Me: it's okay, it's not your fault
Jonghyun: it kinda is, now you are in the public eye, there is gonna be people who's gonna hate you and people who's gonna praise you and support our friendship
Me: I hope so, I don't wanna take anti depressants again
Jonghyun: were you on depression meds?
Me: yes, a few years back, I was in a bad relationship with my parents, I thought that they were gonna divorce, I thought that was my fault
Jonghyun: depression can be consuming
Me: how would you know?
Jonghyun: that's my life in a single word
Me: but are you okay?
Jonghyun: I have bad days like everyone else
Me: are you on meds?
Jonghyun: no, I wish
Me: no you don't, you will literally become a lifeless body
Jonghyun: I already am
Me: I'm sorry
Jonghyun: it's no one's fault but mine, I don't know how to be happy on my own, I always have to rely on people
Me: you can rely on me, you are not alone anymore
Jonghyun: are you willing to take the risk?
Me: yes, I know how brutal depression can be, I don't want you to go thru that by yourself, people with depression can't be left alone
Jonghyun: even though it can consume your energy?
Me: you will not consume it, we gonna nourish each other's energy , the only good thing that depression brought to my life was getting my family close again, my parents were focused on me that they forgot about the divorce
Jonghyun: I like that you embrace the illness instead of hiding it
Me: what's the point of hiding if someone won't notice and won't get you the help you need?
Jonghyun: you're right, now changing topic, wanna spend the night at my house?
Me: why would I do that?
Jonghyun : because your hotel is gonna be floated with paparazzi?
Me: you got a point
Jonghyun: so what you say?
Me: your home is gonna be filled with those people too
Jonghyun: they can't get inside the parking lot, and they have to leave sooner or later, it's already 2AM you're fine, you're just gonna hide when we pass beside them okay?
Me: okay~

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