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I couldn't stand watching the man who just stole Marcus. His vibes were so strong but in a very unpleasant way. The way he gestured me to move away, he had been on my nerves. I slump on the chair and sigh in disgust as he wrapped Marcus for an embrace. Who is this man?

"I hope the seat is free," A man remarks. He has dark blue eyes, one would almost consider them as greyish black. His entire attire loudly remarks posh and splendour. I didn't want to risk sitting next to him, especially not in a place like this.

"I take that as a yes," He slumps on the seat and adjusts his tie and sleeves. He summons the waiter and I shift my legs uncomfortably.

"Whiskey, highly iced please," The waiter notes down. He had oiled hair and moustache and I felt more like I time travelled. I roll my eyes and stand up, but he grabs my arm and pulls me down. My pulse quickens.

"And you young lady?" He asks me, smirking. I look at Marcus and the man had seemed to rip the soul out of him. All I wanted is to be with him right now.

"I'll excuse myself," I reply, he smiles. 

"She'll have Vodka," He sniffs and takes his handkerchief from his pocket. My eyes widen in surprise, he had no right to order me around.

"Mister, I don't want anything," I am about to burst into tears. I feel so alone, I didn't want to mess up the big ball and get sued by the mafia. 

"You'll have what I tell you to, and you'll speak nothing against it," His eyes scan my body and my cleavage. His grip tightens around my wrist and I let out an inaudible sequel.

"Yoo, leave her alone," I know this voice, I whirl around to find Aiden standing behind me. 

"Who are you to give me orders?" The man asks him, raising both his eyebrows.

"Aiden Lockheart," That is all he had to say, the man leaves me alone and I massage my wrist while walking to him.

"Are you okay?" He whispers, his eyes fixed on the man.

"Yeah, take me out of here," I chime back and he walks towards the other end of the ball, to the stairs.

He leads me into the balcony and I see Katherine walking behind us. She looks fabulous in her red long gown, with decorated flowers bordering the neck. Her face looks caked, but I didn't want to ask her.

"Hey Kat," Aiden swings an arm around her shoulder and she just smiles at him, she looks uncomfortable and restless.

"Who's that man with Marcus?" I ask Aiden, pointing at the ball where we could see Marcus through the window downstairs.

"Ricardo Rivera, his father," Aiden seems to be bitter about it. I am bitter too. I hadn't known much of Marcus's family, now that I do I feel sick inside. It's not that I felt anything different for Marcus, how will my parents feel if they know this? I'm not dating him, well not directly. I haven't thought of marrying him, but it's still disturbing news. This is what happens when I take a sip of reality. I'm moving away from the normal world and associating myself with a man who earns by killing and unfair means, well, that's one way to put it.

"What's wrong, did he do something to you?" Aiden looks concerned.

"Not physically," I answer, half smiling.

"Everyone feels that, even Marcus," I wanted to say that I'm not Marcus. It's not like Marcus is emotionally strong and I'm vulnerable. I am strong, and I didn't want anyone to compare me with him.

"Just because Marcus feels that, doesn't mean that I'll feel that too," I did feel it, but I despise comparison.

"I'm sorry, we're just used to that phrase, he's the stronger one here," I wonder how it would be for Aiden. He's also a son of a powerful mafia, yet, he has to work under Marcus. But they never seem to have ego clashes.

"I don't feel like I'm any lesser than him Lucy, he never treats me like one. I feel that myself when he's the one who protects us all," He answers as if he reads my mind, Katherine just purses her lips and rubs her bare arms. 

"We should probably go in, it seems to be cold," I tell him and he suddenly looks at Katherine. We walk inside and bump into a man who had bright green eyes.

"Dad," Aiden hugs him and he hugs back. It was nothing like Marcus's father, this is sweet and sincere. Besides, Aiden hugged his father himself.

"Aiden, is she the one you were talking about?" For a second I thought it was about me, but then their eyes were locked into Katherine's and she shuffles her feet nervously. He looks into her eyes and then the birthmark.

"Is it true?" He asks her, she nods nervously. I don't know what's wrong with this woman, she's acting weird lately.

"Are you my daughter?" He looked like he is going to break down any moment now, he inches closer and cups her cheek. She nodes again.

"She mute dad, she can't talk," His eyes change to various shades of colour, maybe he anticipated his wife's voice. After all, I would feel the same if I see Susan's daughter.

"Looks like there's a family reunion," A harsh voice broke the emotional cloud. William steps back and greets the man in a formal fashion. Marcus is beside him, and the similarities are so astonishing. My heart sank a little, this is not the Marcus I knew. His face looks relieved when she sees me next to Aiden, and then I realized. I walked out without informing him.

"Ricardo, what brings you here? aren't you a crowd entertainer?" William sarcastically chimes.

"I thought the interesting crowd is gathered here," He looks directly in my eye and winks. This man is getting on my nerves.

"Ahh, Susan, I'm so glad to see you again," My heart skips a beat, why would he call me Susan? It's understandable that I look like her, but how would my sister know someone like this person? Marcus's expression is unreadable, he looks like he doesn't want to be here.

"I'm Lucy," I reply, my brain is clouded by my confusion. I raise my eyebrows and bite my lips, Marcus asks me to get out of this place.

"Ahh, right and I assume that Susan was your sister," He emphasises the word was, and I'm tearing up. It's been so long that anyone had ever mentioned her name and confronted me about it.

"Yes, she was," I reply biting my lips.

"Uncle, Katherine and Lucy were feeling cold, I'll bring them in and provide them something hot," Aiden jumps in between. What did he know? why is he nervous too?

"Of course, of course, respect the ladies. I was just wondering how she felt about Marcus's ex," I should've suspected the moment I read the letter. It all falls into the place. Tears well up in my eyes.

"Father!" Marcus shouts at him and grabs me. I feel disgusted, why wouldn't Marcus tell me this? what made him hide it from me? Did he know that I was her sister? I pushhim away

"You better tell her how you killed her too," Ricardo smirks in satisfaction. 

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