Comforting Ruby and meeting Blake

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It's been three days since I was  here and I was sitting on my bed thinking about Beacon and that Ruby and Yang are going but what gets me is that Ruby's moving up two years I know she's a skilled fighter but there might be something else about her and I'd bet she dosen't know that and neither does Yang.

I then heard knocking on the door.

Y/N:Come in.

I turn to see Tai.

Tai:Oh hey Y/N can I talk to you for a sec?

Y/N:Uh yeah sure what's the problem?

Tai then grabbed a chair and sat down near me.

Tai:Nothing much I saw you were hesitant to answer Ozpin about the Omnitrix functions and I respect your privacy about it but I have to know why?

Y/N:*sighs*It's just that for some reason I just don't like that guy he gives the I am hiding something vibe and that's a little hypocritical coming from me but it's the truth and no offence man but I sense that from you as well.

Tai was surprised that I knew he was hiding something he was about to say something but I cut him off.

Y/N:But your hiding it for a good reason your daughters who are also my friends but Tai whatever your hiding them from you gotta tell them otherwise you will lose them forever and I'm not giving you advice about being a father I'm saying it as a friend and it's better to tell them yourself rather then me because sooner or later shit hits the fan and you know and I know it.

Tai then looked me for a moment and sighed.

Tai:You know what kid your right.

I was surprised that he said I was right.

Tai:I am hiding somethings from them and believe me keeping secrets from them hurts me but it keeps them save but I know they are growing up but I don't wanna lose them like--

Y/N:Summer right?

Tai then had a shocked look.

Tai:They told you?

Y/N:Yeah they did and I gave my condolences and I'm sorry about her I am and Yang also told me about Raven.

Tai then had a serious look when Raven was mentioned.

Tai:Your gonna look for her aren't you?

Y/N:I will but something tells me she's watching her and us.

Tai:You know kid your a bit wise and smart and good instincts for your age.

Y/N:I get that a lot.

Tai:*sighs*Alright I'll tell them in about five months from now but on one condition.

I then raised an eyebrow.

Y/N:Name it.

Tai:Promise me that you take care of my daughter's and that you'll be there for them please?

Y/N:I promise to keep them safe but they will get hurt at some point and I'll help them heal as I had my fair share of wounds and scar's.

Tai:Wait you got scar's from who?

I then sighed.

Y/N:From a few of my enemies anyway where's Ruby?

Tai:She's visiting summer you'll find her on a hill at the ciffside forest.

Y/N:I'll find her*activates omnitrix and shows the Blitzwolfer icon*Here we go.

I then slammed the core and I changed into jetray.

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