Training and Vilgax's plan for conquest.

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I was on the balcony thinking about Vlad and what his possible plans are.

Dan:Just what the hell are you up to Vlad?

I then hear Weiss's heels clicking and turned to her.

Weiss:Hey Dan you okay?

Dan:Yeah I'm fine Weiss just thinking about Vlad's plans ever since Technus told us he's in another universe.

Weiss:Oh and he's your dads arch enemy you haven't told us how he was like this.

Dan:And my grandfathers but yes he is and he's really dangerous sure my dad beat him a lot of times but he's still a major threat especially when it comes to ghost technology knowledge and he has more experience with ghost powers more then dad and me.

Dan:My parents and Vlad were once friends in collage and worked on a ghost portal prototype

Weiss was surprised at that last part but now knows to be cautious about Vlad.

Dan:They were finishing the prototype ghost portal till my grandfather misplaced his soda and it spilled on the portal and it blew up in Vlad's face and it gave him ghost powers when the energy infused to his DNA but also Ecto Acne.

Weiss:Ecto Acne?! Gross!!!!

Dan:Yeah the thing about that is it can be spread to other people and if its not treated or cured anyone whose infected dies within a few hours. He infected my mother and my uncle Tucker.

Weiss:What?! Why?!

Dan:Insurance forcing my dad to save his life along with my mom and uncle to make a cure to save them but also save Vlad's life because he didn't want to go down alone so he dragged my mom and my uncle in his crosshair. To make my dad suffer.

Weiss:Oh god....I can't believe someone as cruel as he is to stoop so low.

Dan: I'm not surprised but when it comes to Vlad and villains like him theres no telling how low they can get.

Weiss:True.....but I gotta ask when we hung out together with our teams you always go with me why is that?

Dan was suprised she asked that and blushed hearing that.

Dan(blush):Um..well...its because I care about you a lot.

Weiss was surprised hearing that and blushed.

Weiss(blush):Really? about you too a lot Dan.

I smiled at that and held her hand as she held my hand back.

Dan:Weiss...I know your family have been through a lot and yourself if there's anything you and your family need I'll be there for you and them.

Weiss:Thanks Dan.....I appreciate a lot.

I nodded and we got closer till we heard footsteps and turned to see Devlin.

Devlin:Hey lovebirds sorry to interrupt but Y/N and Ruby want us to go do some training together.

We blushed in embarrassment and we followed him and I punched his arm.


Dan:That was for spoiling the moment man.

He then rubbed his arm.

Devlin:Ow yeah I guess I had it coming.

We then arrived at the training grounds.

Y/N:Good your all here time for a little training here before we head back to Beacon.

Laura:So what are we doing for training?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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