A fight with a dusty crow and a mission alert from Mantle

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I was getting ready to fight Qrow as I holstered my weapons and I see Ruby.

Y/N:Hey Ruby.

Ruby:Hey Y/N getting ready for fighting my uncle?

Y/N:Well yeah and Qrow said that I can use one alien of your choice Ruby.


Y/N:Yep*has the Omnitrix out to her*Go ahead and pick one for the fight.

Ruby smiled and she activated the Omnitrix and she scrolled through it and she found the alien of her choice.

Ruby:How about this one?

Y/N:Nice choice another one of my favourites.

Then Ruby smiled at me and to my surprise she kissed my cheek and we both blushed.

Ruby*blush*:That's for luck.

Y/N*blush*:Um t-thanks Ruby.

Then Ruby smiles and went out and I see my teammates having proud smiles and their faces.

Devin:Dude you just made it almost through tier one that was huge step.

Dan:We're proud of you man.

Laura:Me too also once after the fight Yang and Qrow wants to have a word with you after it.

Y/N:About what?

Devlin:*deadpan*Dude you already know what it is.

I then turn pail.

Y/N*pails in realisation*:Oh........crapbaskets.

Then we arrived at the amphitheatre and I see Qrow waiting for me.

Qrow:Get ready to get your ass whooped watch boy and I'm gonna enjoy it.

Y/N:Not as much as I'm gonna whoop your ass you old drunk cause I'm*unholsters my pistols and they went into sword mode*gonna clip your wings.

Then Qrow had an annoyed expression and got out harbinger into Scythe mode.

Then Qrow had an annoyed expression and got out harbinger into Scythe mode

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Qrow:You're one cocky bastard aren't you?

Y/N:Look who's talking you buzzard.

Then he charged at me and I dodged his strikes and I went to strike him with my blades but he blocked them and twirls his Scythe and went to hit me but I jumped on the Scythe and smirked as I kicked his face hard and went behind him and delivered a double palm strike on his back and he was sent flying by Qrow caught himself and I turned my sword to gun mode and opened fire but he blocked the bullets.

Then he charged at me and I dodged his strikes and I went to strike him with my blades but he blocked them and twirls his Scythe and went to hit me but I jumped on the Scythe and smirked as I kicked his face hard and went behind him and delivered ...

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