A trip to Ledgerdomain.

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Devlin POV

After Gwendolyn told me that Charmcaster is my mother we told the other's as they were shocked to hear this.


Devlin:Yeah.....she is.

Dan:Out of all the people it's her?

Gwendolyn:Yep it is....she used to my arch enemy and an enemy of my family but she turned over a new leaf in her old home the ledgerdomain.

Blake:What's the ledgerdomain?

Y/N:A realm of magic where all of the magic flows in my universe or beyond it there's a lot we don't know about how far ledgerdomain goes.

Gwendolyn:Or much about it that realm has mysteries that are unsolved even I don't know but what I know is Charmcaster has the answer your looking for Devlin.

Devlin:.........So ledgerdomain is the place to go?

Gwendolyn:Yes.....Normally I would say no since its a beautiful yet dangerous realm.....but you need answers Dev.....So I'll take you all there(looks at RWBY)I take you all want in too?

Ruby:Yeah we do for Devlin and to see ledgerdomain since we need to learn more about your universe.

Gwendolyn:Hahaha I see you have your mother's curiosity(rubys and Yangs eyes widened at that)I met her a couple of times at Galvin Prime and she spoke highly of you and Yang she really misses you both.

They smiled at that.

Gwendolyn:Now for the trip to ledgerdomain first I have to summon the door to anywhere but best we do it somewhere private.

Y/N:You can do it at the garage its big enough for the door and team JNPR are with Pyrrha while she recovers so we'll leave a note saying we'll be back.(rubs rockos head)Well be back later boy okay?

He barked and nodded We went out of the dorm and left the not on JNPR's door and we went out of the academy and I was nervous about meeting my mother till I felt blake holding my hand and I turned to her.

Blake:I know your nervous Dev but are you sure you wanna go through with this?

Devlin:I am Blake.....I have to know why about everything that happened to me.

Blake:I know....but we're all here for you....as am I okay?

I smiled and held her hand back as she smiles back.

Devlin:Thanks Blake I needed the pep talk.

Blake:No problem.

We then arrived at the garage and entered it.

Gwendolyn:Alright everyone stand back(eyes glow pink as we did what she said)Via est porro!!!!!

The door was now summoned.

The door was now summoned

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