A new evil alliance a battle against the invincible girl and a shocking reveal.

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Salem POV

I was interested with Vilgax since from what he sounds and looks like he is a formidable enemy to Tennyson.

Vilgax:That boy and his family have been a thorn on my side for years but together we will crush them and make this world ours.

Vlad:And to crush my arch enemys son as well his father Danny has been a thorn as well as his son.

Salem:And what do you two want in exchange for this deadly alliance?

Vilgax:Revenge and the Omnitrix that's the name of the watch Y/N uses along with his father Ben Tennyson but you see his father is more powerful then he is and more experienced but Y/N on the other would be easier to deal with he may have gotten stronger but so have I.

Vlad:And we'll help you out with your plan Salem once we destroy our enemys so what do you say?

Salem:......Consider this deadly alliance(smiles evily)Acceptable but one condition I use the Omnitrix's power for my purposes.

Vilgax:........(has his hand out to her):Very well this alliance is temporarily till our goals are achieved but should anyone of you betray me....(glares at them as the other's trembled in fear of it)You will know why I'm the most feared being in my universe and why I'm the conquer of ten worlds.

Cinder and the Inner circle faced grimm and Salem but he is more terrifying then her even Vlad fears him and they nodded in fear.

Vilgax:Good....for now we lay low till my plan comes into motion once we build the gateway.

Salem:(raises eyebrow):Gateway?

Vilgax:A gateway big enough for my ship to come here and to start my plans here in this world but first tell me everything about Remnant....and its secrets.


I am in combat class with my friends on the benches and Glynda then spoke up

Glynda:Now let's get our first match started its Cardin Winchester against Devlin Levin.

We then glared at CRDL with hate.

Cardin Winchester,Russle Thrush,Dove Bronzewing and Sky Lark

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Cardin Winchester,Russle Thrush,Dove Bronzewing and Sky Lark.

And Cardin smirks with arrogance and pride.

Glynda:He'll be going up against Devlin Levin.

Then Cardin and his team looked worried and looked at Devlin who cracks his own knuckles

Then Cardin and his team looked worried and looked at Devlin who cracks his own knuckles

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