Kaiju and Titan Battle,semblance unleashed.

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WayBig POV

The Grimmzilla charged at me and I did the same and punched its face and roundhouse kicked it hard sending it flying a bit till it landed on the ground to catch itself.

WayBig:Awww what's the matter not used to fighting someone your own size before?

The Grimmzilla roared and shot a plasma beam from its mouth and I crossed my arms and blocked it and it was pushing me a bit since I was holding back and I smirked when It dispersed when I uncrossed my arms.

WayBig:Not bad ugly too bad your weak against me because not even Vilgax can beat this form.(crosses my arms and powers up a cosmic ray)Your not the only one who can fire beams except its from cosmic energy!!!!!

I then fired it at the Grimmzilla and it dodged it and it charged at me and tail smashed my face and it bit my wrist and tossed me away to the ground on my back and I got back up and dropped kicked it's face making it fall to the ground and I grab...

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I then fired it at the Grimmzilla and it dodged it and it charged at me and tail smashed my face and it bit my wrist and tossed me away to the ground on my back and I got back up and dropped kicked it's face making it fall to the ground and I grabbed it's tail and swung it around slowly to pick up momentum

I then fired it at the Grimmzilla and it dodged it and it charged at me and tail smashed my face and it bit my wrist and tossed me away to the ground on my back and I got back up and dropped kicked it's face making it fall to the ground and I grab...

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Till I stopped spinning and tossed it away and it a lot of trees and rocks making it roar in pain.

Ruby POV

Me and the others are in awe seeing this we know about WayBig but we didn't think he was that big and powerful and Devlin was smirking at this.


Laura:....That's a really big alien.

Devlin:Yep it and thats not even its strongest form WayBig is powerful yes but not the strongest but one of the strongest.

RWBY,JNPR and the Happy Huntresses:WHAT?!!

Yang:What can be stronger then WayBig he looks unstoppable!!

Devlin:Uh actually he's not as unstoppable as you think but wait a second he hasn't told you two about Alien X has he?

Blake:Nope but what's Alien X?

Devlin:I'll let Y/N tell you all that but I'll tell you all that Alien X is the strongest form in the Omnitrix ever but its rarely used.

Jaune:Seriously what makes him so powerful?

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