First day of Beacon.

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We were done with initiation and we arrived to amphitheatre and now it was time for teams to assemble.(I'm skipping CRDL because screw them).

Ozpin:Jaune Arc,Nora Valkyrie,Pyrrha Nikos and Lie Ren you'll be known as JNPR lead by Jaune Arc.

Jaune:*points at himself*Me?

The rest of team JNPR had smiles on their faces.

Ozpin:Ruby Rose,Weiss Schnee,Blake Belladonna and Yang Xiao Long you'll be known as team RWBY lead by Ruby Rose.

Ruby was surprised as Yang hugged her as Weiss was jealous but then remembered what I said and smiled and gave Ruby thumbs up.

Ozpin:And now for a surprising turn of events and that Beacon's destruction was prevented because of them Y/N Tennyson,Devlin Tennyson,Laura Kinney and Daniel Fenton you'll be known as team Omni Force lead by Y/N Tennyson.

We then did fist bump and hi fives to celebrate.

Devin:Man we killed it.

Dan:I know right? We should do this more often.

Laura:Oh come on I did better.

Y/N:Hey it's not competition to see who's better after all I won that.

They were about to say something but then they remembered how I handled the Leviathan and they accepted defeat.

Y/N:Yep that's what I thought.

Ozpin:Now that the teams are assembled better go to assigned dorms and its on your scrolls.

I then got a beep from my scroll saying that our room was in between RWBY'S and JNPR's dorm.

Ozpin:Now team Omni Force when your done and get acquainted with other teams meet me in my office tonight.

We nodded and went to find our dorm room and we were in awe of it.

We nodded and went to find our dorm room and we were in awe of it

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Dan:*whistle*I'm liking this already.

Laura:Same here Dan.

We then unpacked our stuff and Devlin brought in the PS4.

We then unpacked our stuff and Devlin brought in the PS4

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