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I walk up to the stall selling all the greasy, fatty foods and I check the menu behind the workers.

I ain't want no hotdog or burger. Ion want they chicken or fries either. Or they nuggets.

I look behind me, to where Dion and I were talking before.
He's staring right back at me and I scrunch my face, silently telling him that I don't want nothing from here. He shakes his head in a 'no' and nods to the stall, silently telling me to get something, right back.

I turn back around and sigh as one of the stall workers look over at me.

"What you want sweetheart?" The slightly older lady asks me.

"Could I please get a burger?" I smile at her to be polite.

"Of course."

I watch was she moves towards the grill and starts flipping the patties and watching on them as they cook. When the burger's done, she wraps it in some aluminium foil and hands it to me.

"Thank you."

"You're very welcome."

I walk back over to Dion, screwing him the closer I get.

"Ion want this." I tell him.

"But my lil princess does." He nods to my stomach. "I can't believe you tryna starve her."

Maybe it's the hunger, the lack of energy, the heat or the hormones, but I feel myself growing cranky and I suddenly don't feel like talking too much anymore.

"Dion, don't. I'm not in the mood."

"My bad baby, eat."

"Just don't be shocked if I vomit it all out." I mumble.

I walk over to a bench under the nearby shade that's surprisingly empty, and I sit down, crossing my legs and taking a bite of the burger.

As I eat, I watch as some children run around the bumper cars set up, playing tag whilst others sit in fancy, fold up lounge chairs that their parents bought with them.

I shift my eyes towards Paige, squinting to get a better look at what looks like her desperate ass flirting with one of the children's dads. Rubbing on his arm and laughing frequently at the things he says.

I can't believe he's entertaining her thirsty, lonely self. With his child watching too.

I roll my eyes and take the last bite of my food, scrunching the wrapper in my hand and getting up to throw it away.

I can't lie, that burger was bomb.

I walk back over to Dion and he looks over at me, smiling.

"You better now mama?"

"Whatchu mean?"

"You was kinda cranky before you ate."

I hum a yes, nodding my head. "I'm kinda fine now. I'm still tired though."

"Take my card, go lay in the car." He pulls his car card out of his pocket for the second time, holding it up to me.

"No, I just wanna stand here with you. I'll sleep when we get home." I place my hands on my hips.

"You sure? We still got about an hour left."

I nod. "Yeah, imma stay witchu."

"Okay mama."

I stand with him for the rest of the hour, watching over the toddlers and making sure that they don't get hurt by the older kids.

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