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I get out of my chair and head out into the playground to collect the kids.

As I stand on the step, Jessica runs over to me, holding up a doll made of sticks and poster tack.

"Miss Carter, look what I made!" She jumps excitedly.

I bend down to her level and make a face of shock. "Wow Jess, that's beautiful!" I tell her.

Her cute four year old self giggles, poking holes into its stomach.
"When we get into class, we'll take some pictures for mommy and daddy, okay?"


She nods excitedly and I stand up straight. "C'mon kids, form a line behind Jessica, recess is over."

They run over to us, forming a line as some kids push in front of others to stand beside their friends.

"Quietly now everyone. If we make it to the class without a sound, we'll watch the ladybug song, okay?" I tell them.

They shout in joy and I place my hands over my lips and turn to head back into the building as they follow behind me.

They all get into their seats as I play the ladybug song on YouTube and they sing along.

I take a couple pictures of Jess's doll by itself then I take some of her holding it. I print out the images and I place the doll on our classroom display.

The rest of the day practically flies by and I take the children outside to wait for the gates to open up so their parents can come in.

I start dismissing each kid one by one and Jess drags her mom by the hand over to me.

"Mommy! I made a doll. Come see, come see!"

Her mom smiles down at her as she pulls her over to me.

"Good afternoon Mrs Niall." I tell her.

"'Afternoon Miss Carter, it's nice to see you again." She smiles. "Jessica never stops talking about you at home, she always says, and I quote: "Miss Carter is the bestest teacher in the whole wide world.""

I laugh at Mrs Niall's imitation of her daughter. "Aww, Jess that's so sweet. You're one of the bestest students in the whole wide world." I smile at her and she smiles back, her cheeks turning pink.

"Oh sorry, I almost forgot." I hand Mrs Niall the pictures of Jessica's doll and her mom stares at them, pleased.

"Wow baby, did you really make this?"

"I did mommy. From scratch!" She tells her.

"It's amazing honey, we'll get the pictures framed." She places the photos into her bag and grabs a hold of her daughters hand. "Jessie, I'm gonna get you the biggest ice cream in the shop, how does that sound?"

"Yay!" She jumps.

"Thank you so much Miss Carter, we'll see you tomorrow." They both wave at me and start walking out the gate towards the car park.

I dismiss the rest of my kids and start to head back inside.
As I reach the steps to the building, Dion turns the corner.

"Hey Ven."

"-ice." I correct. "You know what? I don't care anymore."
I bite the inside off my cheeks as Dion skips the steps and takes longer strides to catch up to me.

He bends his head to stare at my face. "Why're you mad?"

"I'm not." I lie.

"Ven, you always do that when you're mad." He points at my cheeks.

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