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The next morning, I'm woken by the doorbell ringing non stop. I wipe my eyes and look up at Venice, hoping that whoever it is doesn't wake her up.
I carefully remove myself away from her and creep off the bed, sliding on my slides and picking up my phone to check the ring app as I head down the stairs.

It's Lloyd.

I open up the door just as he's about to press the bell again.

"Nigga, what the hell is wrong with you?!" I whisper yell.

"You ain't answer none of my calls when I got here so I had to ring the bell."

"A million times?" I look at him like he's crazy.

He shrugs, pushing past me and walking into the living room. "Yeah, well it worked."

"Take off your shoes. You come here all the time and I still gots to remind you."

"D, calm down. You actin like you not happy to see me."

He walks back to the front door, placing his shoes under the table.

"I'm not." I cross my arms.

"Cap." He laughs. "Where Venice at?"

"She asleep."

"Oh my bad. I hope I ain't wake her."

"You didn't, but you woke me."

He runs his hands through his curls. "Nigga I ain't worried 'bout yo dumb ass."

I straight face him. "Get outta my house."

"Damn, I'm playing. You need to learn how to take a damn joke."

"Lloyd you play too much."

He lifts his legs on the coffee table, reaching for the remote and turning on the TV.
"You still love me though."

I rub my beard and head out the room to the bathroom to brush my teeth. After I'm done, I walk back out to let Lloyd know that I'm about to shower before getting in and turning on the water.
I moisturise and dress up in a pair of grey joggers, putting on my glasses and rubbing some Vaseline on my lips.

By the time I'm out of the bathroom, I hear voices coming from the kitchen. I walk through the living room and see Venice and Lloyd talking together.

"Hey baby." She says, coming up to give me a kiss.

"Morning mama." I squeeze on her ass before letting her go. "What y'all talking 'bout?"

"I was just checking on lil mans." He nods at Venice's stomach.

"It ain't a boy." I correct him.

"We don't know that." She looks at me with a small smile.

I stare between the two people hating on my wish to have a new and updated best friend.
"Y'all can miss me with allat. My baby a girl, end of story." I open up the fridge, looking for something to make.

"Ight nigga, bet." Lloyd laughs. "Since you so sure, $1000."

I shut the fridge, thinking about it for a minute then walking up to where he's leaning on the countertop.

"'Kay, bet."

We shake on it and he crosses his arms. I watch as Venice screws the both of us, tapping her nails against the marble island top.

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