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It's 4:30 in the afternoon and Trinity has come over. Venice took Xiomara upstairs with them and I can hear the both of them gushing over how cute our daughter is from downstairs.

I finish off the last of my meal and head into the kitchen to throw it away. I spent the majority of this afternoon replying to congratulatory texts and sending pictures to relatives.

Daya was super excited to have a niece when I told her it was a girl. She asked me to send her every single picture that I have of Xiomara. That was a real pain in the ass, cause although she was only born early this morning, I've already got over 300 pictures and videos of my baby. And selecting them all took almost an hour.

Since I'm left downstairs alone whilst my girlfriend and her friend are chopping it up upstairs, I decide to head down to the gym for a quick workout.
I play my gym playlist on the speakers on a medium volume just in case Xiomara's asleep upstairs and start my hour long routine.

I take a quick shower when I'm done and change into a different pair of joggers and a shirt before heading upstairs to check on my girls.

The house is really quiet when I get back on the first floor and I assume that Trinity has left. I walk up to our room and find Venice knocked out on our bed and I look over at Xio in her car seat.

First, it looks like she's also sleeping until I notice her raise a gloved hand to her face, letting out tiny sounds as if she's about to start crying.

I hurry over to her and remove her straps, picking her up out of her seat so she doesn't wake her mom. I place a kiss on Venice's cheek and cover her properly with our duvet, and I carry Xio with me, out of the room.
I walk into her bedroom and grab the box for her rotating baby seat and take it downstairs with us.

I lay her on a fluffy blanket on the couch as I start to assemble her chair, checking on her once in a while to make sure she's okay as I quietly put the parts together.

Once it's all set up, I pick her up and strap her into the seat, pressing a few buttons on the top to make it start slowly rotating.
I sit on the floor beside her, as I wait for her to fall asleep again before I stand up and call up Lloyd.

"Congrats my nigga." He greets, picking up.

"Thanks." I sit back down on the couch, watching my baby as she sleeps. "You know yo ass owes me right? 1k."

"Yeah. Whatever. I'll send it to you in a second." He sniffs. "That all you call me for?"

"Nah, I need you to come over tomorrow."

"What for?"

"To help me set up Xiomara's room. She ain't got nowhere to sleep since we weren't sure if she was gon be a girl or not."

"No problem. You got a crib for her?"

"Not yet. Imma order one in a minute and pay for next day delivery so it gets here tomorrow morning."

"Cool. What time you want me to come by?"

"Around 9:00."

"I'll try." He says. "By the way, has Trinity been over your place recently?"

"She was literally just here, she came to see Xio and Venice. Why?"

"Oh, cool. I just thought that maybe she was at her cousins place?"

"Who's cousin?" I ask.


"You mean Cashton? Y'all ain't figure that out already?"

"I mean, we kinda did. You know we both not the relationship type and so we not really bout that commitment."

"Neither of y'all make any sense. How you not want a relationship with each other but get all mad and possessive when one of you start talking to someone else? You both toxic as fuck."

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