I wake up, switching off my alarm. The clock reads 6:00, the normal time I wake up for work. It's the 16th of March and my paternity leave is finally over. I hoped it would take longer for this day to come, I really don't want to leave my girls at home to sit behind a desk for 8 hours.I rub my face with my palms and cover Venice back up before creeping out the room and heading to the bathroom.
After I've freshened up, I dress myself in my burgundy suit then head down to make a quick breakfast. I check my phone as I chew on my fruits then prepare something for Ven to eat when she wakes up.
I sterilise all of Xiomara's bottles twice to make sure they're fully clean, then I go upstairs to go check on her.
She's already awake and she's quietly staring at the ceiling, making soft noises every few seconds. But her eyes are weak and it looks like she might fall back asleep again.
"Hey princess! You sleep well baby?" I lean down into her crib and kiss on her. She moves her legs excitedly and I pick her up to spend a little bit of time with her before I leave the house.
She coos and gurgles, grabbing at one of my braids by her fingers as I carry her back downstairs to the kitchen.I pull out some breast milk that Venice pumped and left in the fridge and turn on the kettle, waiting for the water to heat up.
Xiomara gets tired of playing with my hair and starts grasping the gold chain around my neck."Nuh uh mama. Don't pull on daddy's chain." I tell her, removing her hands. I grab her pacifier out of the steriliser and place it into her mouth. She lays her head back down on my chest and sucks on it quietly.
I stop the kettle from over boiling and pour the water into a bowl then I place the bottle into the water to heat it up.
I play with her curls and kiss on the top of her head, walking back and forth across the kitchen as we wait.I want her to fall back asleep when I leave so she doesn't wake up her mom and I'm hoping the warm milk will help with that.
I pull out the milk and check the temperature on my wrist, like Elena taught me to, then I remove her pacifier and replace it with the bottle.She looks me straight in the eyes and I kiss on her cheek, walking back into the living room to sit on the couch and wait for her to finish eating.
A couple minutes later, she's almost done with the bottle and her eyes are droopy, constantly closing then opening back up again and I smile as I watch my girl's twin fight sleep. I take the bottle out of her mouth and rest her on my shoulder to burp her then I place the pacifier back into her mouth and carry her back upstairs.I stare at the clock in her room and drop her back on her mattress, safely covering her back up. She raises her hands as she starts to whimper with her tired eyes, silently asking me to pick her back up again.
"Sleep princess. Daddy has to go to work. I'll be back later, 'kay?" I kiss her cheek, turn on her mobile and close her curtains back up then I tiptoe out of the room and shut the door.
I walk back into the bedroom and kiss Venice's forehead. "I'm heading out now Bae. I love you."
She groans and turns to face the other direction, still deep in sleep. I leave the room, grab my things from down stairs and hurry to the car, starting the engine.
I connect my phone to the Bluetooth and call up Lloyd."'Sup man?" He answers.
"Hey." I quickly greet back. "Lloyd I wanna propose to her."
I finally finish up teaching for the day and I get out of my seat to reorganise my desk. I place the huge congratulations card the teachers got Ven on my swivel chair and I clean up the pens scattered on the table.

Co-Workers With Benefits
Roman d'amourHe stops talking at the sight of me and looks me up and down, leaning against my door frame. "Damn ma you look sexy as hell." I look myself in the mirror, tracing my curves in the dress. "Thank you, Dion." "You still ain't tell me where you're goin...