the gate guardian x reader

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Litteraly  n o  o n e  has made a 001 x reader thing, and the ones who did just didn't fit right with me, or were discontinued. So for the ones who like this big guy, you came to the right place! ))

( you were framed for animal cruelty, child abuse (no, you didn't have kids, nor did you have a husband. ), and just abuse in general. )

You are just walking around a area the mtf dropped you off at, not knowing what your going to be dealing with.

You see a blinding light ahead, and then you thought immediately about one of those scp-001's.....the gate guardian. You were scared to move, but your mind and body just wanted you to go to him, so you did.

You didn't know you were being monitored, you didn't even have one thought about that at all. As you approached, you started getting nervous, because he was staring at you.

You stopped walking when you got to the point he would swing his sword at you.

But then he spoke.


You tilt your head in confusion, but you decide to listen and you take a few steps closer. You get confused when he doesn't do anything, but then he crouches to try to get to yout level, of course hes really tall compared to you, but he tried.

"I know you were framed, you don't deserve to be in the conditions you are in." You were shocked. How did he know? You get even more confused, but then you were snapped out of your thoughts when he got back up. "Guards, let her go back into civilization or let her stay with me." You look to the camera, and few minutes later mtf orginaze the new situation.

They decide you should stay with the gate guardian, and ever since you have been with him.

End of chapter

Ik this is short as hell, i didn't know what to write.

Word count: 332

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