scp-173 x scared! reader

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Thankfully you weren't framed for once! How lovely. Also at the begining your at a actual prison. Btw watch the video above to just get the feel of 173's voice- ))

((I bet you can tell what 173 would look like in human form.))

You wake up frightened to rude banging on the door of your cell. "Hey, Y/N, get up. You need to attend something VERY inportant." You get up off your bed as you walk to the officer. "Let me guess, its time for my death?" The officer shakes his head. Your tired face turns into one of suprise. "But Aren't I on death row?" You say in shock. "Yes, yes you are, but no more questions. Lets get going." You follow behind the officer as you enter a 'private' room. Inside you find someone in a white coat with a weird logo on it. "Hello, Y/N." You stare at the man, unsure of wether or not to trust him, especially since he knew your name. You start to sweat a little from all the tension. "Im dr.Oz, its a pleasure to talk with you. " you already start getting inpatient, after all you just wanted to know why you are here in front of Dr. Oz. "What am i doing here? I should be getting ready for my execution!" Dr. Oz stares at you. "Oh, you don't understand do you? Im here to give you a second chance, as in fact i should tell you where i come from. I am a reasercher at the SCP foundation, and just know SCP means secure, contain, protect." Well, you at least got one question answered.....

Out of the 1,000,000,000 questions you have! "But, it doesn't mean just that. Its the three letters that are at the start of the SCP number we give our anomalies that we contain at the SCP foundation." You immediately raise a brow, and of course Dr. Oz knew, because he was still looking at you, having never blinked once during anything he said. "Anyway, thats just what the SCP foundation is about, and thats not why im here. I want you to work at the SCP foundation as a d-class. Do you accept?" You think about it for a minute or two before you nodded. Afterwards he hands you a tablet, and you walk to your cell. you watch the video that was on it.

(( Y e s. J u s t y e s ))

After you finish, someone knocks on the door. You get up and approach the door as it opens, and you see no one there....

You get knocked out.


You wake up, pain throbbing in your head. You see the orange clothing that the guy was talking about in the video. You probably know why you were knocked out, this is a top secret organization after all. You change into the clothing, but its unbelievably itchy! You look at the mattress on your bed, and its as thin as a hair stand! What a lie....a guard then knocks on the door. "Hello, D-9341. I want you to step out of your cell, if you don't you will be terminated." You listen, because you don't want to die right off the bat. You follow the guards through what you suppose is the cafeteria. You then eventually find yourselves at a containment chamber. "Hey, read this. You will need the info when your in there." 'Where is 'there' though? I don't know about this place!' You thought. You read the file.


'SCP-173? A statue that...breaks necks when you don't look at it?! Its also moves really fast.....oh g** i wish i didn't come here!' You think to yourself as you approach 173's chamber. The chamber door opens, and you see the statue....but its humanoid? It was a literal statue in the- oh right, there was a update on the remeber it saying that it had been discovered on ■■■■/■■/■■■■ that 173 can turn into a humanoid form, but even worse, the no blink rule dosen't apply when he is in a humanoid form! Although he isn't that quick in his humanoid form, so you can try outrun him. (Of course he is still fast, but not as fast as when he is in statue form. )

As the door closes...

'APPROACH SCP-173 FOR TESTING' the speakers boom, making you flinch. You hesitantly approach 173.

He does nothing, so you get confused. 173 then takes the moment to approach you, but he decides to snap the other d-class's necks, and then walks back to you. (Btw there was a containment breach). "Hey, you deaf? Im talking to ya!" You snap out of your thoughts and look up to see 173. You almost slip instantly since he was just right there in front of you and you didn't know. You fall down butt first as 173 laughed. "What? You a scaredy cat?" He laughs even more, just making you annoyed, but you stared at him, frozen in place. "You seriously think THAT is gonna help you? Nah." He chuckles as he takes a step towards you, pissing you off even more every time he says something. He crouches down over you, pinning you to the ground. " Hey! Get off- " 173 silenced you as he glared at someone, how did he silence you? Easy!

He snapped your neck.

Jk jk he was hugging you to death. And who was he glaring at? MTF!

"Leave me the f(([REDACTED]))alone, will you? And don't think about trying to force me, i will snap all of your necks if you do that!" The MTF slowly back off, and leave. "Heh, there we go...."

"Now its just you and me."

End of chapter

Yes i plan on making a part two.

Word count: 977

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