SCP-049 x quiet! child! reader x SCP-035 part 2

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(( finally, the time has co- HOLD UP DID YOU READ PART 1 YET?

Oh, okay. Go ahead.

BOI GET UR BUTT BACK OVER TO PART 1- you will understand things better anyway. ))

You, 049, and 035 have been walking around the maze for a while, and you met other scp's along the way. Some of them were adorable, some of them were questionable when it comes to trust, and some of them you decided to straight up turn around and walk the opposite direction. One of those scp's was who your so called 'mom' called 'SCP-106'. To be honest...he looked like a burnt bbq man, and you hate bbq. (Sorry for the ones who do like bbq lol- )

"enfant, wait!" 049 called out as he started walking towards you. 035 and 106 kinda watched as 049 went after you. 049 came back to the two a few minutes later with you while saying something along the lines of: "s'il te plait, mon enfant, do not do that again." You didn't understand what he said in that weird language, but you just shrugged it off. You all said goodbye to 106 and continued walking. You eventually came across a group of scientists...wait, those aren't just scientists, those are your parents!

049's POV...
'Oh, it's them.' I thought as I looked to 035. 035 looked back at me, visiblement énervé. "Can i?" 035 whispers. I look down at the kid before shaking my head. "No, pas avec l'enfant ici." Those filthy scientists start turning around at our direction, and see us. "Hey! What is some monster like YOU doing with MY child?!" Dr. D/L/N (dads last name) shouts. Y/n gets noticeably scared from the tone of dr. D/L/N's voice. "Doctor, please keep it down. Tu fais peur à l'enfant!" I calmly say.

"Oh please, like you can tell my husband what he should do. Y/n is me and my husband's kid, so we can do whatever we want with them!" Dr. M/L/N (mom's last name) shouts. I look down y/n and realize they are starting to tearing up, making me mad. My eyes start glowing red as i glare at their parents. They start backing up..

'But little did they know...they are falling right into my trap!' 035 thought.

035's POV...

Y/n's parents scream as they get stabbed in the chest. I giggle like a maniac for a second before calming down and looking down at the now fri- oh...dang it I forgot y/n was here- well, she was probably frightened from the screams, but they seemed....happy? I guess her parents were just that bad. Y/n quietly sighs and walks up to their now dying parents. "Mom, I know..." dr.. M/L/N glares at y/n. "What do you know?!" I notice y/n reach into her pocket. "I know you cheated on my actual dad, but before you did, he taught me something."


"Y/n!" Y/n's dad shouted. "Coming!" Y/n came running into the backyard. "What is it?" Y/n politely asked. "Y/n, I   need to teach you something important." D/n said. "Which is...?" Y/n asked. "Self defense, do you know or have a concept on what self defense is?" Y/n's polite mom (note: y/n's mom used to be nice, but she decided it wasn't the right life for her.) Watched from the patio. ", let me think...ah, like, if some bad person tries to attack you, you attack back?" Y/n's dad nods with a smile. "So, I'm going to teach you self defense, and just know its easier said than done." Y/n nods. Both y/n and her dad proceed to train for a hour, making y/n tired, and they went to sleep early. But, why did her father teach y/n self defense at such a young age?

You would think it's because he's a good parent, and yes, he is, but! That night, her mother had decided to have a divorce with d/n, and he wanted to teach y/n a final, important lesson. He also wanted to make sure y/n wasn't awake so they didn't have to know what was happening.

*end of flashback...*

Y/n then pulled out a pocket knife. "And that thing was- " *STAB* y/n had stabbed dr. M/L/N in the heart. "self defense. I hope your happy with yourself, because this is what it felt like when you abused me, m o t h e r ." Y/n then stabbed dr. D/L/N in him the heart as well. "Same goes to you, fake." They pull the pocket knife out of dr. D/L/N. Y/n was about to stab her parents to death until 049 said something. "Enfant! Isn't that a little too far?" Y/n looks to 049. "Just five stabs?" 049 stops for a second before nodding. Y/n then proceeds to stab both dr. D/L/N and dr. M/L/N in the heart 10 times- 'wait 10?! Did 049 say they could stab them five ti- you know what? Forget it, this is fun to watch.' I thought as I watched.

The outcome...

049 and 035 were contained, and y/n was brought in for questioning. They were kept and basically adopted by 049. Turns out, y/n's biological father actually worked at the foundation! It was quite the reunion that day.

End of the chapter
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Word count: 962

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