035 x quiet! child! reader x 049

536 17 85

(( yes this is platonic, this oneshot is also inspired by many other oneshots. You are 6 years old in this oneshot. If you want this to be rewritten because something offends you, then I will rewrite it or take it down altogether. ))


this oneshot contains mentions of abuse.

You were just sitting on the ground in one of the hallways, waiting for your parents to return. but, little did you know they abandoned you at site-19 to die. You were abused, but you saw it as normal and you thought everyone else experienced it too. You just wondered why it hurt and why your parents would get angry at you.

You started to fall asleep when alarms went off and red lights brightened up the halls, which startled you. You decided to hide in a nearby room, and you ignored the sign right next to the door.

There was papers all over the floor, but who cares when there's all these loud sounds. There was glass you could look through, and on the other side of the window, there was a guy with a mask. "Oh thank-" he covers where the mouth is on the mask, he then removes his hands and clears his throat. "Sorry, I mean finally, someone found me! I thought I was going to be trapped here forever." You keep on listening, kinda scared by his look and voice. "Uhm, can you pull the lever next to you? I could get out and help you!" You didn't trust him, so you shake your head. "Oh c'mon, please?" You once again shake your head. You both stare at each other for a few minutes before the masked guy sighs. "Okay, listen. If you don't trust me, I might as well prove it. Do you see the door behind you?" You look behind yourself, and you see a door with a keypad. "Okay, now go to the door, and I will give you the password." You walk up to the door. "Okay, now the passcode is 5-7-3-1, got it?"

You type in 5-7-3-1. The door opens. You take what is in there, and you walk out. "Now do you trust me?" The man asks. You slowly nod and you then go to open the door. Before he could say anything, you ran out of the room you were in. You quickly head for the elevator. "W-wait, don't go down there!" The man says. You didn't listen, you had all you needed. As the guy was about to say something, you get into the elevator and close the doors.


You hop out of the elevator to meet with the smell of rotting flesh along with some dead bodies. Welp maybe you should have listened to that guy....yet again hes creepy as heck. You walk past a dead body when you see a sign. It had the words and numbers 'SCP-049' on it. 'Sentient and violent?' You thought when you heard a groan. You turn around to see the corpse you passed by was now alive and was about to attack you. You scream and start running away. You knew this had to be your end, right? You then trip and hit face first onto the ground. ( you did it before, haven't you? ) you turn onto your back and see the zombie. Someone then says something. "Please don't attack them." A soothing, calm voice says. You kinda calm down as the zombie stops running after you. A tall figure then emerges from behind the zombie.

"I am so sorry that you had to experience that, your only so young. Why are you here?" The bird looking humanoid says. You shyly reply. "U-uhm....my parents put me in a hallway and just left me, later alarms went off..." the tall man crouches down to your level. You then realize its 049, the one you saw on the sign. "A-are you scp-0-049....?"

(Abuse warning starts here)

049 nods. "Yes, but I'd prefer that you call me doctor." You nod. "How did your parents treat you?" He asks curiously. "W-well...uh, they would sometimes get mad at me because I didn't get good grades. One time I got a b+ on math, and when I came home and told them, they slapped me." The doctor's eyes widen. "What? Tell me more. Did they do anything else to you?" He says, worried. "Uhm
..yes, they had something called beer and got 'drunk.' T-They threw a glass bottle at me but I didn't get hit by it, but then my mom unexpectedly hit another bottle on my head. I had to go to the hospital after that, and my parents lied on as to why I was injur-" the doctor stops you. "Did they ever say anything referring to some place called the SCP foundation or site-19?"  You think about it for a moment before nodding. "T-the only thing I know is there code name, my mom is known as dr. (Whatever), and my dad is dr. (Whatever). " the doctor's eye twitches. "I know them. They are in charge of making sure I'm contained. I swear next time they talk to me they are going to suffer." You raise a brow in confusion. "B-but isn't it normal? Everyone goes through it, r-right?" The doctor then just stops moving. "No, it isn't normal, that's what you would call abuse. That is something your parents shouldn't be doing, as in fact its illegal." He says in a sad tone. "We must get going and find your parents." The sound of a elevator door could be heard opening.

"Hey, doc! Have you seen a kid? I need to talk to them!" The guy then appears around a corner. You get intimidated by the masked guy, he looks completely different then from earlier. "They are right here, but we need to find their parents." The masked guy seems confused. "But why?" The doctor sighs as she walks up to the guy. "Because her parents abuse them." He coldly says. "Wait, what?" The doctor nods before looking back to you. " I bet you met him already? He is known to foundation staff as scp-035, but the ones close to him call him masky or sock, but I just call him by his number because he doesn't mind it as much and its somehow easier to remember." 035 nods. "You can call me whatever you want, kid!" 035 says cheerfully. "So, is 035 the mask?" You ask in confusion. "Yes. But now isn't the time for questions, we must get going." The doctor says as he starts walking away with 035. You nod as you follow them.

End of chapter.

Yes part two will exist.

Get ready to kick y/n parents a**, because they're going to D I E !

Word count: 1157

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