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Peter: Shuriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Peter: I have important newsssss

Shuri: Peterrrrr whatttttttty

Peter: Loki knows vines! Which means he's like us!

Shuri: I feel like we should have seen this coming. I mean he is the better brother

Peter: Thor's cool too

Shuri: yes but have u seen Loki? That guy always somehow looks good and has the sass of a diva

Peter: ye he's really cool

Shuri: no offence to Thor, but all he does is swing a hammer around. That man has zero brain cells. I suppose I could use his lightning to charge my phone tho

Peter: that would be convenient

Peter: I wonder if he'd charge my phone if I asked

Peter: wait now we're getting off track

Shuri: oh don't worry I can see we're u were going and we will not let this opportunity pass 😈

Peter: I knew u would understand

Shuri: Let's grab little mister god of mischief and let the Prank Wars Begin!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2021 ⏰

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