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(Peteyboi is online)

Peteyboi: wth?! Why do I have so many texts from you guys?

Tony: oh my god peter I WAS SO WORRIED!!

Buckybee: PETEY YOURE BACK!! What happened!?

Sam: where the hell you were u?! Tony was running around all day screaming 'Where is my son, we need to save him' and it was. An-noy-Ing.

Tony: no I wasn't!

Steve: yes you were

Tony: I hate u all. Get out of my tower

Peter: 😮 really? 😃

Tony: no emojis

Thor: yes young peter, your father was very worried

Steve: Thor, he's not actually Tony's son

Sam: shhh, I wanna see what happens

Steve: what?

Thor: wait, than is he adopted?

Peter: umm

Tony: no, he's not adopted

Thor: so he is your biological son

Tony: Thor no, Peter is not my son

Sam: you sure?

Buckybee: he could be

Tony: no! He's not

Peter: I could be

Buckybee: omg, are you his secret kid Peter?

Tony: guys, we are getting off topic!!

Steve: right. Peter, where were you?

Peter: what do u mean? I didn't go anywhere

Steve: I told you

Buckybee: that's a lie! Why didn't you text Tony back than?

Peter: coz aunt May took my phone ☹️

Sam: oooo! Petey boi was naughty! Hey Irondad, are you gonna ground him?

Thor: ha, good one bird man!

Sam: thanks big guy

Tony: guys stop!

Buckybee: just admit it

Tony: there's nothing to admit

Thor: Tony, we all understand that you love your son

Peter: do u really love me mr stark?

Tony: ....

Steve: Tony

Tony: I know you're not here but I can feel you giving me the Captain America look right now


Peter: what he said!!

Tony: wait what?

Peter: what?

Tony: okay kid, I love u

Peter: I love you too mr stark!!! 😄

Shurio: OMG HE DID IT!!!!

Steve: wait shuri?

T'Challa: why am I here?....

Peter: when did they get here?

Peter: hello?

Peter: so now I'm the one being ignored

Peter: mr stark?

Peter: dad?

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