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[Spidey-boy created a group chat]

[Spidey-boy named the chat Avengios]

[Tin Can was added]

[Captain Frisbee was added]

[guy with a bow was added]

[momma spider was added]

[snot monster was added]

[God of Pop Tarts was added]

[guy who wants to be a bird was added]

[Buckybee was added]

Captain Frisbee: what is this?

Tin Can: really kid?

Spidey-boy: yep :)

Snot Monster: I'm not a snot monster!

Guy with a bow: you are a big green monster

Captain Frisbee: Clint!

Guy with a bow: what!

Buckybee: haha Captain Frisbee

Spider-boy: ikr :D

God Of Pop Tarts: hello Captain of Frisbees!

Captain Frisbee: my shield is not a frisbee!

Tin Can: well you throw it like one

Captain Frisbee: because than I can hit people

Tin Can: oh and Pete, why's my name Tin Can huh?

Spidey-boy: um...I'm sorry Mr Stark!

Momma Spider: leave him alone tin can

Tin Can: my suits are more than tin cans!

Guy who wants to be a bird: why is my name so long?

Buckybee: coz you wanna be a bird but you can't

Guy who wants to be a bird: I do not want to be a bird

Buckybee: your name says it all!

Guy who wants to be a bird: PETER! CHANGE MY NAME!

Snot Monster: me too,  I don't like it

Tin Can: ^

Captain Frisbee:^^

Guy with a bow: ^^^

Spidey-boy: do I have too

Tin Can: Peter Benjamin Parker, I will come over to your house right now and force you to change them and if you don't than you're grounded! Which means no spiderman or labs.

Spidey-boy: okay, okay! Please don't do that Mr Stark!!!

[Spidey-boy is now Peter]

[Tin Can is now Tony]

[Guy with a bow is now Clinton]

[guy who wants to be a bird is now Sammy]

[Buckybee is now Buckyboo]

[Captain Frisbee is now Stevey]

[momma spider is now Natasha]

[Snot Monster is now Brucey Bruce]

[God Of Pop Tarts is now Thorn]

Tony: thx kid

Peter: :)

Sammy: Pete!

Buckyboo: really?

[Peter is now spider baby]

Spider baby: I keep telling you guys I'm not a baby!

[Buckyboo is now Buckybee]

[Stevey is now Steve]

[Clinton is now a Clint]

[Brucey Bruce is now Bruce]

[Thorn is now Thor]

[Sammy is now Sam]

Sam: why were Nat and Tony's names normal?

Spider baby: coz I don't wanna die or get grounded

Sam: that sounds about right

Steve: bucky, why did you change your name back to Buckybee?

Buckybee: I like it

Steve: ....

Sam: ....

Clint: ....

Tony: ....

Natasha: ....

Bruce: ....

Spider baby: ha

Thor: you do? Shall I call you Buckybee from now on?

Tony: NO

Sam: NO THOR!!

Clint: thats just weird!

Thor: oh okay I won't than :)

Spider baby: guys

Spider baby: guys?

Spider baby: guuuyyyysssssssss???

Spider baby: don't leave me like this!

Spider baby: Mr Staaarrrk, let me change my name backkk!

Spider baby: please......

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