World Domination?

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Loki: So I heard that you tried to take over the world

Peter: omg mr Loki hi!

Loki: Would you like to form an alliance

Peter: oh um, that was just coz I had too much ice cream and ice cream gives me the power of a god u know?

Loki: Depends.... What flavour?

Peter: chocolate vanilla swirl with cookie crunch

Loki: Isn't that one of those long green tree things?

Peter: do u mean a- a vine????

Loki: yes that. I saw a video

Peter: um I mean ur not wrong I guess

Peter: wait I have to test this.   Bring the beat in!

Loki: Anything for you Beyoncé!

Peter: 🥺 I am so proud of what my species has contributed to the universe

Loki: so world domination?

Peter: I have to tell Shuri! U have to meet Shuri!

Loki: Takeover?

Peter: We can be meme buddies!!!! We can have a group chat!!!

Loki: Be rulers?

Peter: We are gonna pull the best pranks!!!!! Mr loki u are awesome!!!!

Loki: is that a yes?

Peter: I'm gonna go tell Shuri! The things we can do with you now in our group are gonna be amazing!!!

Loki: world domination?

Loki: hello?

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