Let's make a group Chat

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[Nedmand is online]

Nedmand:Hey guys!

[MJ is online]


[LittleWebs is online]

LittleWebs:Hi Ned! MJ your name is boring.

MJ:Well sorry for having a boring name.

[LittleWebs changed MJ's name to CleverBitch]

CleverBitch:Hmm, okay I like this.




Nedmand:Peter, I was just thinking about it and do the Avengers have a group chat?

LittleWebs:If they do, than I'm not included. :(


Nedmand:Maybe they just don't have one?

CleverBitch:What would they talk about on there anyway?

LittleWebs:Probably like what's for dinner and arguing.

CleverBitch:Why would you argue?

LittleWebs:If you worked and lived with someone all the time, would you argue with them sometimes?

CleverBitch:Fair enough.

Nedmand:Anyway Peter, you should totally find out if there is one and than make one.

LittleWebs: ok

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