Chapter 3: Save it, Mischief

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"I'll leave you to get familiar with the place," Wanda bid you goodbye and shut the tall white door behind her; leaving you alone in an undecorated bedroom. Every surface was a plain oak and every fabric was a basic white.

Two matching doors stood only a few feet apart on the left wall. Your new bed rested neatly in front of floor to ceiling windows that gave you a gorgeous view of Manhattan. You ran your fingers along the throw pillows that rested on the reading chair when a light and shaky knock met your ears.

"Come in," you called out and turned to face the door that was now being creaked open.

"Hi," Peter squeaked nervously.

"Whats up, Pete?" You greeted him.

"I was just wondering what I was like in your universe," he lied and pulled his hair over his ears.

"Well your character was you, but your actor is different. His name is Tom Holland and he's British," you laughed at his reaction, "he always spoils the movies along with Mark," you chuckled.

"Who is Mark?" He inquired.

"Dr. Banner's actor," you informed him.

"And I'm sure Tony would like to know all about himself. That egotistic little.." You grunted and yanked the earpiece from Peter's ear.

"How did you know?" Peter asked, completely horrified.

"You're an awful liar, Pete." You responded and clicked the earpiece off.

"I'm terrible at this spy stuff," he pouted and plucked the earpiece from your hand.

"You'll get better. Interrogation is just not your strong suit," you comforted him.

"Y/n this isn't fair," Tony whined and pushed your door open all the way. Behind him, you could see Wanda, Bucky, Thor and Loki.

"You could've sent a great liar. Or a great liar with magic. Or a great liar with a resting bitch face," you pointed to Loki, Wanda and Bucky.

"So all three of us?" Bucky asked.

"Precisely," you chuckled and booped him on the nose.

"We'd just like to know how much information you posses. You could know more than us," Loki grabbed your arm.

"Of course your majesty," you grinned.

"We're seeing the wizard, come on," he replied and teleported both you and Tony with a green shimmer.

"Oh my god," you gagged and doubled over.

"I'm terribly sorry, I should have given a warning," he squatted down to your level.

"I just puked," Tony raised his hand.

"Nobody cares, Stark," Stephen emerged from the top of the staircase.

"I'm Y/n," you stuck your hand out as Loki helped you back up.

"First time using magic?" He asked as he shook your hand with his mustard colored gloves.

"Yep," you sighed.

    "Welcome to our universe. I'm sure this is all a bit new to you," he responded.

    "Very, I've been dreaming of the day when I could actually meet my comfort characters," you laughed.

    "Your comfort characters are murders, Y/n," Stephen reminded you.

    "Cute murders," you corrected him.

    "Wait comfort characters?" Tony asked as he popped a stick of green gum into his mouth.

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