Chapter 7: 7/11

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"Get up! We're going to 7/11." Wanda swung your locked door open with her chaos magic.

"7/11, the finest American dining." Yelena grinned in your doorway.

"If that is whats going to impress you two then lets go." You sighed and shoved your blue notebook under your pillow.

"Anyone else want to join? We're going to 7/11!" Wanda exclaimed once you all got down to the living room.

     "Earth food? Well I'd be happy to come with!" Thor exclaimed, "Loki come with, it'll be fun." Thor invited his brother.

     "No thank you." He mumbled behind his book.

     "Come on, Loki!" You exclaimed and leaned over his shoulder, "please," you gave him puppy dog eyes.

     "If I go will you get out of my face?" He asked.

     "Yes!" You exclaimed and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

     "Ew." He deadpanned and snapped his book shut.

     "Aww you didn't wipe it off," you teased and bounced over to the elevator where Thor, Yelena and Wanda were chatting.

     "I convinced your grumpy brother to tag along!" You exclaimed and booped Thor on the nose.

     "You guys, it's midnight." Tony yawned lazily from the kitchen.

      "Fun, lets go!" Yelena dragged you and Wanda into the elevator and the Odinsons followed closely behind.


    "This is really good," Wanda smiled as she slurped on a blue slushee.

     "Red is better you psycho," you disagreed.

     "Red seems like a much better option," Thor smiled as he took samples of yours and Yelena's.

     "I don't know, Y/n. Blue does seem good." Loki added to the conversation. His skin was beginning to turn the same shade of his drink.

     "Whatever, loser." You booed him and began to chew on your straw.

      "You could be a lot nicer to me, darling." He teased.

     "I could," you responded slyly.

     "You're beautiful." Wanda scoffed.

     "Oh my god are you quoting Veronica Sawyer?" Your smile grew wide on your face.

     "Of course, she's an icon." She shrugged nonchalantly.

     "Plus she's hot," you pointed out

     "And J.D," she added.

     "Serial killers with dark hair are my weakness," you sighed happily.

      "Not mine. I'm into myself only," Yelena laughed.

     "Respect," you grinned and clinked your slushee with hers.

     "These people can not be that attractive ," Loki scoffed. You shot him a challenging look and gestured for Wanda to hand you her phone.

     "We need to get you your own phone," she sighed and handed you her mobile device.

     "Here is Veronica," you showed Loki a picture of her.

     "Okay, okay. Not bad," he admitted.

     "And here is J.D," you grinned and showed him the screen.

      "I'm bi-" He blurted out.

     "We know, brother." Thor patted him on the back.

      "Yeah, you're a walking fruitcake." You grinned.

      "That um..I don't know how to respond to that." He tilted his head in confusion.

      "It's ok, we all are." Wanda assured him, causing Yelena to cough, "sorry, most of us." She corrected herself.

     "I feel like playing music," you sighed and leaned back onto the pavement. Somehow you had all ended up in the parking lot of the 7/11 instead of going straight home.

     "Ooh let me, I have the best music taste!" Yelena exclaimed and whipped out her phone.

     "I already know what you're going to play but go ahead," you told her. American Pie started playing Yelena sang along joyfully. You joined her and eventually so did Wanda.

Thor and Loki watched in amusement as the three of you sang under the bright moonlight. You urged them to join with a big grin.

"Please, Lokes." You pouted.

"Bold of you assume I know the lyrics," he joked. You shot him a pleading look which was his breaking point. Reluctantly he began singing along with you. Your heart felt fuzzy as he made eye contact with you. His smile lit up night better than the stars did. You felt your cheeks burn up as a grin grew wide on your face.


I recommend listening to Taylor Swift

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I recommend listening to Taylor Swift. Is it bad that I love Taylor and Tom?

Oli <3

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