chapter four.

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Joshua is outside Jeonghan's apartment door.

He knocks on the wood three times, ringing the doorbell on the white walls of the hallways right after.

The door swung open.

And Jisoo almost had a mini heart attack right then and there.

A pair of eyes swooned at the edges of the door frame. They land on Jisoo—widening.

The door shut closed, again. Back to the original resting place of when Jisoo just arrived five seconds ago.

Joshua knocked once more.

The door flew back open.

"What?" she said, her voice cold.

Joshua blinked for a second. It wasn't really a surprise, but Jeonghan was absolutely beautiful. Even despite having the door slammed shut in his face and being spoken to with a voice as cold as lava instead of that normally sweet honey voice she usually talked to him with.

His arm sprung from his back and in between the both of them, the light crinkle of plastic popping in his hands. Jeonghan's eyes widened, she blinked, looking at Jisoo as if he was insane.

Joshua coughed, it muffled in his throat. A single red rose wrapped in black paper and clear plastic was slightly crinkled in his palms. Jeonghan stepped back, her lips parted and her eyes still wide.

"Joshua?" Jeonghan breathed. She never called him that. Not even once. Jisoo gulped, his hand with the rose in it slowly trailing back down in the air. "What are you trying to do? If it's what I think it is then: no."

Joshua ran a free hand through his hair, "Really, it's not what it seems."

Jeonghan raised an eyebrow.

"I—" Joshua held in a deep breath. The flower regains it's position mid-air. Jeonghan's gaze glanced at it before looking back at Jisoo. "I know it's been like what? Six— Seven days since the date? A whole week?"

Jeonghan frowned: how does Jisoo not know when their break up last happened?

She has been grieving for him for twenty four-seven ever since then. She broke down yesterday afternoon, crashing on the kitchen floor on her knees when she wasn't able to open a jar of peanut butter when she'd normally ask Jisoo to help her with it. The same happened when she accidentally called for Jisoo's name whilst in the bathroom, forgetting to grab a towel in her closet.

She was just so used to him being around her.

Now, she could only be nothing without him.

Every night, Jeonghan would be half-asleep in bed, shifting her body in the opposite direction for her human furnace. Her arms would grab nothing in the end. She'll panic and be wide awake in a snap, only to be met with the yellow lights of the street lamps outside her apartment shadowing through the dim glass of her window and onto the white sheets next to her. Empty. She would end up bawling for the entire night, choking out Jisoo's name in between sobs.

Jeonghan shivered when a soft breeze shatters on her skin. They weren't even outside.

Joshua continued. "I know you aren't ready to see me, I'm not too. But, I think there's a difference between being ready to see someone versus needing to see them..."

Jeonghan almost choked out an impolite "Eh?" in his face.

"Ever since we've broken up, I've felt more... bored." Jisoo sighed, his breath sticking at the sides of his throat.

Ever since Jeonghan left him during their 'date'—him freezing there as light lasers down small ringlets of sweat down his neck, the fabric clinging onto the collar of his shirt with his face complete with shock—he felt more impatient. Felt more bored. Felt like he was waiting for something, waiting for something he needs but doesn't know if he truly wants it.

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