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Hoshino Mizuki's POV

"This house is quite beautiful don't you think sweety?"

"Dear, I thing Micchan likes this house over here MORE than that house your saying"

"Honey, we all know that he loves this kind of house THAN that flowery house of yours"

Hello, my name is Mizuki Hoshino, 14 years old, I grew up here in America but my first language is Japanese. If your wandering who are these two idiots here there are my parents. Kyousuke Hoshino, the famous Golden Dragon in the business league. He may have that badass nick name but in reality he is a doting idiot who always spoils me. Minami Hoshino, the infamous Golden Lily of the showbiz industry. She may have that fancy title she's also an idiot who doesn't know how to cook without burning or damaging the kitchen. Although, they may be stupid sometimes the both of them are still the best parents in the world. For me of course.

If your curious on what their arguing about it's because of me moving to Japan to attend UA and their fighting because of choosing the house that is suitable in my taste. I just ignored their rambling about whose house is better and just chose a random house that has the cheapest prize which is five hundred million. If it's too expensive for you well for us its just like buying a candy since we're known as the richest family in the world.

"Micchan, tell daddy that you like the house I choose more than the one he choose" Said Mom after turning her attention to me. "Sweety, don't you like this house daddy choose?" Dad also said pointing the big and fancy modern house in the magazine. I just sweat dropped and smiled awkwardly after replying. "Dad, Mom I have already chose" I answered pointing the modern house in the third magazine which is the most cheapest and the most smallest house available.

In the end, they agreed to to me choosing the cheapest house. After a month we finally went to Japan heading straight to the place where my new house was built. The house is more bigger than I thought though lucky me I have a neighbor I won't feel lonely. I guess. Anyway, Dad offered to hire some maids and bodyguards for me but I politely declined since it's kinda pain in the ass being followed by bodyguards everywhere I go. They helped me unpacked my things and set my bedroom which is so big and spacious. We have a little tour around the house and after that they said goodbye since they still need to work. Mom told me they will send me a package every month. I bet it will be a mountain of random stuff's again. I wanted to say no but they already left. I sighed and just finished unpacking some of my books and ps4 in my room and decided to take a walk in the neighborhood.

I changed my clothes and wore a white blouse with black laces, black shorts, white knee length socks and a pair of black shoes. I slung my headphone in my neck then took my phone and went outside making sure it's locked. I decided to look for a café to get something to eat since I haven't eat lunch. I went inside a café and ordered strawberry milkshake and some treats. I stayed there almost half an hour after leaving to look for a supermarket to buy some groceries. After running an errand I finally decided to go back home walking in the street while carrying two bags of groceries and listening to some music from my headphone. I stopped when a sudden explosion happened on my left side which is across the road making every other people around the area freak out and ran away. When the smoke disappeared a disgusting creature appeared whom I presume a Villain. It is a sludge villain holding a kid with spiky blonde hair inside him. The kid is using his quirk trying to break through the slime villain which is a bad idea his quirk causing too much damage in the area and a few buildings are now burning. Lucky me I immediately activated my quirk which allows me to grow horns, fangs, tail and wings so I could fly away from the scene. I landed on a building putting away my groceries and flew up the sky to observe the situation. I saw civilians trapped in some of the burning buildings and some in the ally way. Fortunately, some pro heroes appeared helping some of the civilians trapped in the buildings. When the villain used the popcorn kid's quirk to explode one of the building with some civilians I quickly defended them by creating a dark fog from my hand eating the giant explosion that is supposed to create a large damage in the place. I closed my hands swallowing the whole fog swirling inside. That was delicious.


I then helped the people inside the building to evacuate leading them to the emergency exit behind the building. After making sure that everyone got out safely I also went outside the building only to be greeted by a broccoli kid digging the disgusting slime trying to save the popcorn kid. When the sludge villain is about to reach the broccoli kid I immediately prepared my wings and launched myself and took the broccoli kid before All Might appeared getting the popcorn kid from the villain and do his signature 'Detroit Smash' that also cause the weather to change. I put the broccoli head in the ground next to the popcorn kid and fetched my groceries from the rooftop and went down before deactivating my quirk. Some heroes approached me throwing different kinds of compliments. "You did a great job saving those civilians back there kid" said the guy with square face whom I believe known as 'Death arms' "with that quirk of yours you can easily become a hero" a guy looked like a branch of tree said. He's hero name is Kamui woods right?

"Hahaha! Young man, what you did is brave and heroic. You will be a fine hero one day!" All Might said patting my head after running in full speed leaving the reporters behind. We all sweat dropped before the reporters turned their attention to me asking some questions. I awkwardly smiled before answering their questions one by one. After that I went home mentally rejoicing my memory for remembering the way home. I decided to cook curry for dinner and after finishing my food I took some treats I bought and the extra curry to give my neighbor as a gift. I rang the doorbell five times after hearing some yelling inside. "KATSUKI! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE AND OPEN THE DOOR I'M COOKING" said a feminine voice whom I presume the Mother. "SHUT UP OLD HAG I'M COMING!" I heard a loud stomping sound walking down after the door bursting open which startled me a bit. "H-hello, I'm your new neighbor I came here to say hello, my name is Hoshino Mizuki" I said sweating after realizing the intense stair from the popcorn kid.... Yep he's the kid from before the one whom the Villain took as a hostage. "KATSUKI! WHAT ARE YO- oh hello there I believe your our new neighbor right? come in and please excuse this brat's rude behavior he has the mix personality of a trash and a garbage" I smiled awkwardly making my way to their living room and take a seat in the sofa across the two who is still bickering to each other.

Man, what an energetic family...

To Be Continue......

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