(4) First day at UA and the Half n' Half kid

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After one week, the letters from UA finally arrived and of course I finished with top scores so I was put in the Class 1-A. I am currently waiting for Tsuki so we can walk together but suddenly I heard a yelling voice inside. "YOU BRAT! BETTER BE GRATEFUL IZUKU AND MIZUKI ARE YOUR FRIEND OR I'LL RIP YOUR HEAD OFF YOUR BODY! YOU HEAR ME?!" Then Tsuki opened the door harshly and walk in my direction with a stinky face. "Good morning Tsuki, let's walk to school together" I greeted him with a hard slap in the back before walking next to him. "Ita- OII! WHY DO YOU ALWAYS GREET' ME WITH A FUCKING HARD WHACK IN THE BACK YOU FUCKING SILVER-HAIR?!" He growled making small explosions in his hands. I just snickered. "HUH?! WHAT ARE YOU FUCKING LAUGHING AT HAAHH?!" "No-- I'm sorry, it's just--- you always looks so angry and pissed and that's what's make you scare Izuku. I mean--- come on can't you be sweet sometimes? Like ask him out for a date or something? And at least stop cursing your making your image even worse" I said making him blush a little bit and stop growling, he turn his head away making a 'tch' sound before talking. "I-it's not that easy you dumbass" he said, well, more like mumbled.

After a few minutes walk we finally arrived at UA the school where the greatest heroes bloomed. We walked through the blue endless halls and stopped in front of a huge door with a sign 'Class 1-A' Tsuki, then slam the door open making the other students inside flinch. Unfortunately, the blue haired robot guy is our classmate rambling in front of Tsuki again. We just ignore him and walk to the nearest vacant seat. I sat in front of Tsuki and put on my headphones to block the annoying voice of Mr. Four eyes. A few minutes passed before the door gently slid open revealing a familiar broccoli. Mr. Four eyes rushed to where Izuku is and apologized about what he said at the exam orientation. I tapped Tsuki and pointed to Izuku and he immediately took off his foot off the table and sit properly. the round faced waifu also joined them ang thanked Izuku for saving her making Izuku blush and started stuttering again. I turned to tsuki only to see his deathly glare directed to the waifu. "Mizuki-san I'm àà we're classmates ah-- o-o-oh K-k-k-k-kacchan h-hello there" his mood switched when he saw Tsuki, he became a stuttering mess. "If your here to make friends the just leave" I jolted when a yellow thing appeared in the front door and suddenly a face of a homeless man popped out of it. "Took you 8 seconds to finally shut up that's not rational" he drink something before taking off his cocoon and walked to the teachers table. "I am your homeroom teacher Shota Aizawa. Kindly put this on and head to the ground's" each of us took a PE uniform and went to the changing room.

After changing we all went to the grounds where Shota sensei is waiting. "We are having a quirk assessment" he started. The round faced waifu asked about the entrance ceremony. "If your going to be a hero then you don't have time to laze around sitting and listening to some crap about school policies. This is my class and I will handle it on how I see it fit" I didn't really pay attention on what sensei said because I was looking at the guy with whit and red hair. His eyes are beautiful. "Hoshino, you got the highest score on the practical exam, how far did you throw a ball in middle school?" I was snapped when I heard sensei called my last name. "Uhhm, I was home schooled" I answered and walk forward sensei just sighed before talking again. "Whatever just throw this using your quirk" he tossed the ball to me. "You can do whatever you want with your quirk as long as your inside the circle you only have two chance to throw" I stepped inside the circle holding the ball. What should I do? Should I use psychokinesis or super strength? I just activate my quirk(Diavlo) allowing my tail and horns to appear and hid my wings and nails. When I gathered enough strength I swung my arm sending the ball up in the sky breaking out the sound barrier and pass the thermosphere. Shota sensei showed us his phone and I'm quite surprised about the result. ""INFINITY?!"" They all screamed in unison(except Todoroki). A pink girl with horns said it looks fun but Shota sensei made another scary speech and said that the person who got last will be expelled.

So far, I'm doing great. Silently snickered when Tsuki throw the ball screaming 'SHINEEE!' Everyone else sweat dropped(except Todoroki) when I saw Izuku shivered while Tsuki is trying to not scare him I almost lost my breath trying not to burst into laughing. They're going to be a cute couple. A tsundere and a cinnamon roll. When it's Izuku's turn Shota sensei Erased his quirk saying he's not worthy to become a hero if he always break his bones every time he use's his quirk. I saw Tsuki emitting dark aura when Shota sensei use's his capture weapon to get Izuku close to him. When Shota sensei said he still have a last chance yo throw I noticed that he focused his power on one of his fingers launching the ball upward getting a result higher than Tsuki. Although, his finger is broken Shota sensei looked impressed for his quick thinking, that makes Tsuki look proud and made a smug face. I just giggled before approaching Izuku. "Hey Izu-kun, how did you use your quirk?" I asked after healing his hand. "Well I focused all my power in my finger the moment i swung my arm" I stopped when I heard his answered. "YOU DID WHAT?!--- no wonder your body breaks whenever you use your quirk!" I cried while shaking him making everyone else startled. "Hah? What do you fucking mean by that Mizuki?" Tsuki asked after stopping me from shaking Izuku. Wow this is the first time he called me by my whole name. "Well, an unprepared body won't be able to handle a huge amount of power especially if it is used incorrectly" I answered when I gain my composure. "Hoshino is right. I you all use your quirk without knowing what will happen it can cause a lot of damage. Anyway, the rest of the time is yours if you want to go home the go I'll go take a nap" Shota sensei, then walk away leaving us in the grounds. "So how do I use my quirk correctly Mizuk-san?" I turned to Izuku and smiled. "How about use atleast 5% or 8% of your power and spread it in your whole body. Then, try keeping it until 10 minutes" I explained while raising my pointing finger. "That's a great idea, Mizuki-san your a genius!" He said with a sparkling eyes. I just sweat drop and awkwardly laugh.

When we changed back into our uniforms we decided to stay in the classroom for a while to rest. "Hey dud with the silver hair, what you did earlier was awesome!" Said the guy with blonde hair and a black lightning bolt in his the side. "Yeah! That was manly" a red spiky haired guy joined. "U-uhh yeah, t-thanks" I answered awkwardly. I averted my eyes and I spotted a white and red hair in the corner of my eyes. It's him, Shoto Todoroki, the son of the number two hero. "San.... Mizuki-san!" I was surprised when someone called my name out of the blue so I jumped off where I was sitting and about to crash on the ground when suddenly a warm hand caught back. "Uhhm... Are you okay?" When I saw his face up close I can clearly say his HANDSOME. I suddenly feel my face burning and my heartbeat starting to go fast. For some reason.......... I CAN'T BREATH!





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