(3) UA Entrance Exam

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UA Entrance exam finally arrived. I found out that the reason why the chopsticks and the bowl floated is because of Psychokinesis, the ability to control things in your mind. Also, recently I discovered the second quirk that I got because of the ps4 accident, it is called Clairvoyance, the ability to gain information from certain object or person. Today, I was supposed to be in the Recommendation but since I want to get in by my self I ditched it and now I am walking in front of the UA gates making my way inside. When my eyes was wandering around I spotted a familiar mop of green hair ahead of me so I jogged my way to him only to be greeted by a floating Izuku and a round-faced waifu besides him. Sh-she's taller than me damn it. She helped him stood up properly and deactivated her quirk. "I'm sorry if I used my quirk on you without your permission.... But I figured you wouldn't mind me catching you" she said with a smile that caused Izuku to blush hard and started to panic he became a stuttering mess again. The round-faced waifu left so I slowly approached Izuku. "Yo, Izuku" I said tugging his sleeve snapping him out of his fantasies. "D-did you s-see that, Mizuki-san? I talked to a girl!" He said wide-eyed. I just sighed and frowned befor replying. "Izu-kun, you didn't actually talked to her" I exclaimed patting his shoulder and started to walk inside the building. "H-hey! At least she talked to me" he said catching up to me so I just shrugged and opened the big door in front of us.

We were greeted by a hundred of people. Izuku sit next to Tsuki so I also sit next to his I saw Tsuki slightly blushed he turned away his face and 'tched'. I just chuckled remembering the day he confessed to me.... Well, not his love for me but for Izuku. You see, Tsuki have a crush on Izuku since they were kids he told me that he doesn't know how to make a move since his pride always mess with him every time he tried to confess to Izuku. Every time I caught him trying to be sweet to Izuku he ended up scaring him I just laughed the hardest I can since I can't stopped my self. I was snapped in my thoughts when I heard a rambling voice at the bottom right and there I saw a blue haired four-eyed robo- I mean man. He pointed at our direction and started rambling again. "You with a mop of green hair, you've been mumbling the whole time and you silver haired kid your laughing silently it is disturbing, if you can't stop then please leave." I heard Izuku say sorry and the people laughing but I clearly saw Tsuki with his murderous glare directed on the four-eyed guy while growling like an angry Pomeranian. I just grinned at the glasses guy before saying sorry. "I'm sorry I was just thinking about something and it seems that I unconsciously laughed without noticing it" I then smiled apologetically before turning to Tsuki. "Hey Tsuki, stop that your scaring them" I whispered making him 'tched' again before turning his head away.

We started the written exam which is too easy after that is the practical exam we were separated. I was wearing a white T-shirt covered by a blue jacket with pink outlines, a blue pants also have pink outlines and a black sneakers. As soon as the gates opened I quickly activated my quirk launching myself forward leaving the rest of the applicants. "WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! THERE IS NO COUNTDOWN IN REAL BATTLES!!" I heard Present mic said(more like yelled) making the other students run inside the field full of factory. I was hunting down 3 pointers and burning them until they turn into dust and I also lost track on my points leaving me no choice but to take down every robots I encountered. I was alarmed when I heard a loud rumbling sound not too far ahead so I fly up in the sky and saw a huge zero-pointer destroying everything in the area where there are lots of applicants. I quickly launched myself while creating a large ball of dark flame on my right hand and when I get close enough I threw it on the zero-pointer but I noticed a green thing underneath a big pipe near the zero-pointer. My eyes widened when I saw a green headed waifu stuck underneath the pipe I quickly flew towards her and punched away the big pipe revealing her injured foot. I carried her in a bridal style before flying away from the burning zero-pointer. "Thank you for saving me, kero" kero? I just smiled and landed in the floor before deactivating my quirk. "No problem, I mean that is the reason why I wanted to become a hero" I exclaimed. "AND THERE IT IS! THE PRACTICAL EXAM IS NOW OVER! INJURED PEOPLE PLEASE GO TO THE CLINIC" I walked passed the other applicants carrying the girl in my arms making my way to the infirmary. When I entered the clinic I saw a familiar green headed cinnamon roll laying in one of the bed near the glass wall. "Excuse me this girl here is injure on her foot" I said catching the old lady's attention. "Oho~ another patient. Kindly put her here in the bed I'll take care of it" she said so I followed her order and put the green haired girl in the bed and made my way to where Izuku is. "Uhm... Ma'am? Is he okay? He's not going to die is he?" I asked with a worried look. "Oh, I supposed you knew him. Don't worry dear he is just exhausted for overusing his quirk" she answered making me confused. Overusing his quirk? Does that mean my wish finally came true? I mean, i did use my quirk to wish that Izuku will have a quirk though I'm not sure if it did take effect. I texted Tsuki informing him that Izuku is in the infirmary. I also told him that Izuku finally have a quirk. A couple of minutes passed before a certain popcorn head burst in the door panting heavily. The nurse or should I say, Recovery girl, scolded him for being so loud so he just 'tched' and frowned before making his way towards the sleeping Izuku. "Is he okay?" He asked with a worried tone. "Yeah, Recovery girl said he's just exhausted for overusing his quirk she also said that he can't control his quirk because it destroyed his arm and legs. I wonder why?" He looked relieved but at the same time worried after hearing what I said. He's probably relieved that Izuku finally have a quirk so they can be a hero together and worried because of the damage Izuku's quirk caused. Either way, I'm happy that Izuku can finally become a hero.

We stayed there until the sun is about to sunk, the girl, whose named Asui Tsuyu, left hours ago she also thanked me three times before leaving. I turned my head where Tsuki is and decided to start a conversation. "Hey, Tsuki when will you confess to Izu-kun? I am getting tired of laughing whenever you have a failed attempt of confession. If you want I can be your cupid in disguise I'll help you" I said sucking the pink lollipop. "Tch, whatever just make sure you won't fucking interfere with my plans" "Heh, of course I'll definitely make a good cupid for the both of you. hihihi" I giggled while imagining different kind of ways to make Tsuki and Izu together. "Stop with that creepy laughing you little shit!" He yelled. Eventually, Izuku finally decided to wake up so we made our way home he's also confused about why Tsuki stayed late for him of course Tsuki denied it since his pride is too high so I just sighed in defeat.

Man how can I be a cupid if this popcorn idiot here have a very big pride. This S ranked mission is so frustrating Tsuki is so in denial while Izu-kun is a scardy-cat. This will be tough I need a plan.

I came home tired so I did my night-time-routine and listed different plans to make Tsuki and Izu-kun close so they can finally date each other. That night, I slept in the study table writing random stuffs about my cupid in disguise S ranked mission.


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