Epilogue (edited)

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AN- this story is completely different than the first version I posted. Please leave any feedback if you preferred the older version better!

5 years later

Marks POV-

I watched as she slipped on her flats and her huge sun hat. I closed my eyes just listening to my wife putter around the garden. Max was helping her dig up the garden, I could hear her laughter as her dog went to town on the dirt. 

"Are you ready for my mom to come over?" I asked her, all I heard was her breathing. Eventually, she responded. "Yes, but we need to talk before she comes over if we can." That made me open my eyes. 2 years of marriage has made me realize that she only asked me to talk when it was important.

Life had other plans for our talk because I could hear my brother and his mate fighting. "JESUS CHRIST AMANDA, I ALREADY TOLD YOU THAT WENDY'S IS BETTER THAN MCDONALD'S YOU BRINGING ME MCDONALDS MAKES ME THINK THAT YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW ME." 

I rolled my eyes at my brother, I saw Dylan walking up the porch. His mate Amanda right behind him explaining why redheads were better than clowns. Those two would honestly fight about anything. One would say the sky was blue and the other would say that it is green. 

"Mom is going to be here soon, be prepared for the very convincing argument on why she needs grandbabies. She has been on Amanda's and my case for literally the last three days." Dylan informed me. I was glad that he stuck around after graduating from high school so he could help me with our new business. I shook my head, my mom was always asking someone for grandchildren. She even 'stole' Mia's and Derek's baby Katie Marie for the day and took her shopping. 

As the night went on more people showed up to visit, including Katie Marie. My mom pestered Kate for the 1,000 time on the wonders of parenting. Jason, Kate's dad, was saying how we should wait till we are at least 40 to have kids because Kate is his precious angel. 

I just looked at Kate, wondering how I was so lucky that I found her. 

A couple hours later I was looking at the picture that I took of Kate when I first met her. She cleared her throat and I stood up, she walked up to me with her sundress pressing against my bare skin. She got on her tip toes, tickling my ear with her breath. 

"I'm pregnant." She said, barely above a whisper. 

I could hardly stand after she told me. The struggles that we had been through flashed through my mind. Her miscarriages, her nightmares, even her struggle to balance college and the upcoming role as a Luna. 

"Mine," I whispered back to her. 

AN- OKAY YOU GUYS THIS IS SUCH A NICE MOMENT FOR ME!! I am also very sad that this story is done. Like I have always had this as a project to do when I was bored or had free time but now its done. I miss my characters and I might add more parts in the future who know? Thank you so much for reading my story and I love you guys. 

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