It aint my fault

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Authors note: Okay y'all this book was made for literal fun😭like I'm dying In my seat rn but enjoy

Bosum high school

11:35 am

"Mr. cunning I AINT DO IT!"

"I have had enough of your foolish lies Ms. Maraj"


Mr. Cunning grabs Onikas bag and puts in an envelope

"I've already called your Mother so don't even try throwing it out, you are to be escorted out by the police YOURE lucky it's not jail time"

He points to the door behind her and stands up to help Onika out her seat

"Don't fucking touch me you sweaty ass faggot, I can walk my damn self"

The police grab a hold of her and before they escort her out she looks back to tell Mr. cunning her last words

"I'm gonna miss your daughters tight pussy and them soft ass lips of hers- they do work wonders"

I laugh as I see the rage form on his face, flipping the finger I walk out with the police

This chapters short lol cause I wanted to fuck with y'all real quick depending on the votes and other stuff will determine if I should keep writing this book

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