Sticky situation prt.2

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Ms. Knowles just stood there in shock. Lost of words to say.

"O-Onika wha-

"You asked if I needed help, I need help"

"I didn't think- do you know how much trouble I could get into?!"

She whispered yelled

I put my head down in embarrassment and start playing with my fingers.

"I'm sorry I asked if you'd get fired"

Sighing, she takes awhile to respond back

"I know I know I'm sorry just let me think"

After a few minutes of the most awkward silence, she tells me to lift up my right leg.

My slow ass didn't understand why so she held it up for me. I could feel my heart racing in both places. I should've never made her come in here maybe this was a bad idea.

"You okay?"

"Yes Ms.knowles"



"It's Beyoncé, my name"

She winks at me and kneels down. Pulling my leg over her shoulder. I start feeling intense

"I-I don't think-

"You can trust me okay? You need help right?"


"I'm gonna have to push it all the way in then pull it out okay?"


She quickly covers my mouth and puts a finger over hers


I quickly nod my head in response

She counts to three, I nod my head again and she lightly pushes the tampon in. I try to hold my moans back. Not that this was supposed to feel good. But Ms.knowles had a turn on me.

"You weren't really on your cycle were you? Caaause if you were..this'd be easier wouldn't it? On second thought it's getting a little slippery as I go further in, are you okay Maraj?"

She notices my silent responses, uncovers my mouth and quickly pulls the tampon out

A heavy light moan escapes my lips as I breathe heavy.

Beyoncé smirks and shakes her head.

She bites her lip while she examines the tampon.

"I'll be back to dispose this but while I'm out you should try and catch your breath a little hon"

Oh y'all thought this chapter would be long lmaooo I'm in class rn🤨fw YALL later😏

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