Are we there yet?

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I do as I'm told and catch my breath I haven't been touched since middle school but that's no body's business but mine.

Ooo is that a pickle!

"Why do I talk to myself like I'm Dora the tree head?" I whisper to myself

I erased out of my thoughts once I heard Bey open the door.

"Okay!" She whispered yelled

"Time to head back country man?" I responded

"Onika don't push it I'm still your teacher"

"But out of this're not"

"Exactly and we're still under it so keep it cute"

She pats my head and walks to open the door waiting for me to walk through

I slowly walk to her with my head to the side almost like a confused doggy

"Did you just pat my a dog?"

"Mhm come on short stack"

"Never call me that, I ain't that short im know 5'3" I nearly shout while I walk out the door

"Never call me country man and 5'3 is short Maraj"

I laugh and bend over to hit On my thighs at the sound of her voice.

"You hear that? Country man?"

I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist. Bey pulls me up by my neck and presses her front against my ass. Whispering in my ear she speaks.

"That's good that you know that but keep the negative comments to yourself"

It was so soothing almost getting me wet all over again

"Besides you like it..telling by the look on your face but let's go like now"

"Ugh You are..the boss or whatever"

Bey smiles as if what I said were facts

I follow behind Bey and she runs to go answer the phone. Her face softens. It seemed intense.

she then grabs her keys out her office. I arch an eyebrow and open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out.

"What's up? Why the face let's go"

"I should be asking you the same"

She holds the door open for me and I fold my arms.

"I hope we ain't going to no damn playground"

"First of all watch your mouth, second you're too old for that and third I said let's go"

For some odd reason I was still confused as fuck as to what exactly "Lincoln high" was all about. Nothing about this was normal. Teachers can take you? Where ever I was going I didn't care as long as I was out this dump hole.

I shrug my shoulders and hop in the front passenger seat.


It's been like 10 minutes into the drive and I was mad bored. I turn to look over at Bey and she seems so focused on the road. She's so beautiful everything about her it's just-

"Take a picture Onika"

" where we going.."

"Just sit back and ride Onika I've already missed over two classes fooling with you, you were very inappropriate back there, it was uncalled for"


She glances at me and sucks her teeth

"Ew can you just stop being a teacher for at least 5 like forever"

She shakes her head and focuses back on the road.

"We'll see"

"This is child abduction"


"No seriously I could call the police like right now"

"Here we are"

Bey puts the car in parking and takes the keys out of ignition.

"Is this your place?"

"Yep! Come on"

I slowly take off my seatbelt and get out the car

I watch Bey as she struggles to unlock her front door. She's so cute

"Need some help?"

"Nah I got it"

Finally the fresh cool air brushes passed me as she opens the door. This was nice..better than my home..Bey and I sat on the couch.

everything was so detailed like so- wait

"Hey honey, company?"



Bey turns to me and gives me a look I can't quite Catch on to. She was tapping her foot continuously, seemed like she was waiting for him to leave.

"See you later?"

"Yea don't forget to wash them dishes, take the trash out, and uh all that other shit I'll be back by 12 working late shifts with uh Michelle, understood?"



Bey gets startled at the shouting and I almost cry for her..I didn't know what was going on but all of a sudden this nice ole home didn't seem nice at all

"Yes Shawn?.."



Bey nods and I just catch on to what she had just said. Did he just force her to- I was furious and refused to let him walk away like that.

"Now hold o—

Bey then kicks my shin and I almost holler but she covers my mouth

"What was that honey, say something?"

"Nope have a good day Shawn"


And with that the "man" walks out the front door.

Bey uncovers my mouth


"I'm sorry you had to see that love, want something to drink? Hungry?"

Yeah for you

"No but wha—

Bey acted as if nothing happened and she wasn't just stuttering in fear just a minute ago-

"Oh yeah that? That's what I brought you here for"

"To witness that shit and let him leave like that?!!!"

Bey sets some tea on the stove and grabs a glass from the cabinet.

"Nah ain't no way he living I'll kill him"

"Good, I was afraid you might have said no"

"Wait what?"

Bey walks over to the couch with Tea and sets them onto the marble glass living room table

"I need you to help me kill my husband Onika"

"You- you n-need help k-killing the camel face?"

She sips her tea and gives me a sly smirk as we both share this intense stare.


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