'Killing jay'

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"Onika stay where you are hide and lock your bedroom door I'll be right there"

"W-wait Beyoncé there's something I need to tell you" she whispers

"Yeah what is it?"

"He has a knife"

I walk into the kitchen and see that the knife holders have been moved over to the other side of the counter and a knife is missing. One of jays favorite knives.

"Lock your door Onika I'll be right there."

The front door is left open. Onika must've gotten side tracked when she spotted jay.

Shit. Wooden stairs. They'll creek.

I slowly take off my shoes and set them on the couch. Taking a deep quiet breath I start tip toeing up the stairs.

After a while I make it up the stairs and tip toe to the nearest room. This door was open. I pull out my gun and aim it 'Shemar Moore' style. If you know..you know.

I automatically know it's Onika in this room cause I spot her pen and backpack on the bed plus it's very...pinky in here.

"Onika?" I whisper

"B-Bey?" She whispers back

"It's okay sweetie come out." I whisper again

I watch as Onika comes out from under the bed.. and sigh

"Why would you hide under there that's the number one place a killer is going to look..?"

I rush to her and hug her and notice that her hands are tied and there's blood on the floor. I rest my chin on her shoulder and whisper in her ear.

"Onika..is he here..hm?"

"Bey run"

Right after those two words jay revealed himself and shoots...

"At the fucking wall jay?! You can't aim for shit!"

Before he could shoot again I beat him to it. Hitting his shoulder and his ankle. Not bad Bey.

I shrug and nod as jay slides down the wall holding his shoulder and trying to pull himself together.



"Shit Onika what'd he do to you?"

"Bey get me out please"

"What did he do to you? Where's your-

"Bey it's fine...I'm ok now see.."

I now realize where the blood was coming from..

I drop to my knees and black out. I feel my eyes burning and my heart feels like it just got stabbed at..Tears began running down my cheeks. I pick my gun up and shoot my last..not knowing where cause I blacked out but I know it's gone somewhere

Moments after..Onika starts screaming and I get back to reality.

"Ssshhhh I'm sorry I'm sorry okay?"

"You-you killed him.."

"Let's get out of here okay?"

"Where my momma I want my momma, Bey"

"I'm gonna take you home to my house okay? Would you like to stay there for a while?"

She nods and I began to cry again.
On the way home the only thing on my mind was how I was going to clean up the mess I made.

Onika didn't talk to me for the rest of the night.

This was traumatizing for the both of us.


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