Chapter 6

750 50 24

12:35 pm
Lincoln high
Onika POV

It's been several weeks or at least feels that long since I refused to help Bey kill camel face.

It was now lunch time and I didn't feel like eating anything. I decided to work on some late work instead.

That is until my name boomed through the announcement speakers

"Ms Maraj may I see you in my office please..again Ms Maraj may I see you in my office please and thank you"

"Ugh kill me"

I slam my laptop and my text book and before I could walk out. Beyoncé gives me an evil eye look. It's sexy but she isn't fooling anyone.

I roll my eyes and walk out- slamming the door behind me.

I walk into the front office and through the doors that read "Ms. Fenty's office"

"You wanted to see me?"

"Yes..please sit" she says briefly

"A-am I in trouble?"

"Hmm sounds bout odd for you to be worried about that..I've heard a lot about you Onika"

"Soo what am I hear for?"

She types on her computer and I couldn't help but to stare in her eyes..they were so beautiful

"Okay so how are you holding up here?"

She says looking up from her computer

"Well uhm I have all good grades"

"Hmm but you're failing two classes? Why's that?"

"WHAT? NO I HAD ALL A's and B's"

"Please sit down this isn't a court room"

"Sorry..please tell me what classes I'm failing"

"Music and English with Mrs. carter"

"Who is Ms. Carter?? You mean Ms. Knowles?"


"That can't be right I'm passing her classes"

"Well says here that you have many reports and uh you're disruptive"

"That fucking bi-

"Ssshhh not here"

"I know you did not just interru-

"Speak with her"

"Then what?!"

"Come back and you'll get your reward Onika"

"What reward??"

I stood up and waited patiently for a response.

"Mmm you'll see, just do this one task for me okay?" She responds seductively
and hands me a card.


Soon enough Beyoncé bursts through the door.

"Sorry uhm I need Onika"

"She's all yours"

"Oh..yes she is.."

"Excuse me?"

"I-I mean she's in soooo much trouble"

Beyoncé grips my wrists and aggressively pulls me out of the office. I take that time to yank my arm away and walk away. She then pulls me back and pushes me against the locker.

"Kiss me Onika."

With no hesitation she leaned in and we both share a passionate kiss..moaning each time we deepen it.

"Just as I thought"

Ms. Fenty says just across from us

Beyoncé sighs and rolls her eyes- ending the kiss

"What is it Robyn?"

"You, you are the problem you're using the poor little girl"

"Rihanna don't push it I will send you back to prison"

"And you don't think that's where you'll end up soon"

"You rat me out and you're dead"

"What's going on Beyoncé-

"Nothing honey let's get to class"

"Yeah "nothing""

Onikas house

I made it back home and needed a nice cold shower from this stressful day. I began taking off my clothes and a card slipped out my pocket. Oh it's the one Ms. Fenty gave me.

"Onika, it's your Mother I've gotten into some things that I just cannot explain. I won't be home there's money on the counter. Stay in school honey Ms. Fenty and knowles will take good care of you. Sincerely- your Mom"


I run to my mothers room and there's no sign of her. So I run downstairs to the couch where she would always sit to watch the Braxtons show.

"M-mom?..where are you?"

"She's not here"

A voice spoke from the kitchen and startled me.

camel face?!!!

"Camel face What the fuck are you doing in my house?!"

He payed no attention and stood up with a knife in hand i took this as an opportunity to run upstairs and call Beyoncé.

"B-Bey h-he's I pleasee h-help"

"Wait slow down baby who's there?"

Beyoncé POV

I was just getting into my house and was receiving a call from Onika.


"B-Bey h-he's I please h-help"

She's sounds frightened so I drop my bags where I am and head upstairs for better signal

"Wait slow down baby who's there?"

"C-camel face it's its your husband he's-

Heart pounding out of chest- I run out of the room and back downstairs, no sign of jay. Does he know about my plan.. fuck Onika

"Onika stay where you are hide and lock your bedroom door I'll be right there"

"W-wait Beyoncé there's something I need to tell you" she whispers

"Yeah what is it?"

"He has a knife"

I walk into the kitchen and see that the knife holders have been moved over to the other side of the counter and a knife is missing. One of jays favorite knives.

"Lock your door Onika I'll be right there."

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