Chapter 8️⃣

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"Onika please talk to me" I brush my hand over her thighs waiting patiently for a response

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"Onika please talk to me" I brush my hand over her thighs waiting patiently for a response

"I can't trust you and come to think of it I don't really know you or that weird ass ex of yours." She moves about 5 inches away and stands up on her feet.

"My ex? What ex?"

"The new principal don't y'all have something going on"

"No we jus-

"Actually don't even answer I can't even trust you" Onika walks away and I start following behind. Once she feels my presence she turns on the heel of her shoe.

"If you won't leave me alone for like one second Beyoncé, I'm gonna call the police, okay?" Gritting her teeth she spins back around on her heel and slams the bathroom door.

"In my house Onika really?" I reply with a smack to my head.

It's honestly one of my pet peeves to treat other peoples property disrespectfully

"Fuck off Bey!" She shouts back but I let it slide considering the showers now on.
It's been an hour and Onika is running up my damn water.

Thump thump

I hear this loud ass knock on the front door and nearly shit my pants to the unexpected sound.

"What the-

Thump thump!

I run down the steps and get irritated as I hear the sound approach again but louder.


"Gawdamnit im coming! Disrespectful ass-

"Hello are you uhm Mrs. Carter?" The stranger looks up from a noted clipboard

"Who's asking?" I reply

"Your husband Shawn didn't show up to work in about a month or tw-

"Hold on nigga I said who's asking not what you want." I snarl back

"I'm Shawns manager it's nice meeting-

I lift my hand up in dismissal and shake my head left to right.

"No offense blondie but I don't do shakes"

"I just needed to know if shawns alright or if there's a reason for his absence."

"Hold up before I let you in- you filming this shit? You one of them locals?"

"Uhm n-

"BeyBey! Come here where'd you go?!"

I sigh heavily to the sound of Onika shouting interrupting the blondie

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2023 ⏰

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