!Yandere! Levi x Reader |School AU

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Pairing: Levi x Reader

⚠️Warnings: Mentions of death, Mentions of Murder, Pink blood, Needles, mentions of injection⚠️

In this, Skye, Drake, and Zach are all siblings. Skye's the youngest.


~𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙿𝙾𝚅~

"Hey, what are your opinions on the murders that've been occurring on this campus?" I ask my best friend Skye, as I sat next to her on the school steps.

She takes a minute to think, "I don't have a really good answer, but I do believe it's one of the students." Skye answers, playing with her blue hair.

Yeah, there have been murders happening on campus. Some of our friends were even murdered, that's how our squad split up.

But there was a strange pattern. Whoever I hung out with a lot or got really close too, they were found dead in a day or 2. I've also been feeling like I'm being watched. I then decided to ask Skye about it.

"Skye...I just now realized a strange pattern." Skye then turns her head to me.

"So you know how I was really close to Zach?" Skye nods her head. I then continue, "Wasn't he the first one to be murdered?"

That's when Skye's eyes widened, "Y-Yeah..."

I then continued explaining, "Then I started hanging out with Drake to comfort him. Then he died. Then Alex started hanging out with me to comfort me, then she was found dead in the school fountain."

At this point, Skye was trembling. But I continued, "Then I started to be friend Erza, then she was found dead in the Janitor's closet. Then I started talking to Levi, but then no murders occurred." I continued on, "Then I started hanging out wih half of my class. And they all died the next day."

I then look over at Skye, who was trembling and tears falling out of her eyes. "S-Skye! I'm sorry! What-"

"...do....ie...." Was all I heard from Skye.

"...Huh?" I asked.

"I DON'T WANNA DIEEEEE!" Skye then started crying, hard.

"Y-You won't die-" I started, but was cut off by Skye.

"You don't understand!" Skye then started hugging herself for comfort.

"There is one more thing I need to explain." I started. Skye then looked at me with her puffy eyes. "I've been having the feeling that I'm being watched..."

She then shoots her head towards my direction, "I was right...I-I...Was..." She started mumbling, hugging herself even harder.

"R-Right about..what...?" I asked, now more worried than before.

"I-It's a... There's a..." She trys to explain through tears and struggling to breath correctly.

"Skye! Skye! Calm down first." I say, pulling her into a hug. After a while, she then started to calm down.

"Okay...So... There's a yandere in our school." Skye explains, wiping away her tears. "I don't know who...But they are clearly... obsessed with you."

You're blood ran cold. 'Someone's...Obsessed with me...?' you thought to yourself. You couldn't put the pieces together, but you were now worried. Not for you, but for Skye.

"Skye, you're going to be staying at my house from now on." Skye then looks at you.

"But...What about my par-" I cut Skye off.

"Your brothers were already killed! I'm not gonna loose you too! Alright?!" I say, grabbing onto Skye shoulders.

Skye didn't say anything, but just nodded her head. I then pulled her into a hug, grabbed her hand, and started guiding her to my house.

{Timeskip 2 days Later}

I was walking through the quiet halls, looking for Skye. Skye asked to go outside, and hasn't been back since.

I was walking through the halls and saw Darkness standing at the top of a stairwell, crying. I walk up next to her, "Darkness, what's the matter?"

She then turns to look at me, "S-Skye...She... She's..." She struggles on her words. I then ask her where Skye is, and she points at the bottom of the stairwell.

I look at the stairwell, and I all of a sudden became worried. I gave Darkness one last hug before slowly walking down the staircase.

I slowly made my way down the stairs, my breathing becoming more and more heavy. as I got closer to the bottom, there was a strong smell of iron.

Whenever I smelt the iron, my steps started becoming more heavy, and more shaky. I then finally made it to the bottom. But the sight that awaited me, was heartbreaking.

 But the sight that awaited me, was heartbreaking

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(Credits to the body base artist)

It was Skye. Laying down in her own blood. My best friend.

"S-Skye...no..."I whisper. Then I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist.

I turn to look and see Levi. Covered in my best friend's blood.

"Isn't it beautiful?~" Levi asks, creepily.

I felt tears run down my face, "You...Y-You..."

"I?" Levi asks, walking in front of me and lifting my chin.


"So~ You hate me now?" He asks, getting closer to my face.

"YES! YOU KILLED MY BEST FRIEND! AND HER BROTHERS! I. HATE. YO- Ah!" I was cut off by Levi injecting something in my neck.

"I love you too." He smiles, then kisses me. That's when I blacked out.



Here you go! Any other requests, give them to me!

I posted chapter 1 of my Luca x reader book so, if you wanna check that out, go ahead.

Anyways, bye! Love you :)

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